Full Version: Who are you people? - And what have you done to this site?
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You invited me here, silly. :fuckoff: :-D
Quote:At least I don't double post when I can edit instead, Jackass.
I double posted on purpose. To make a point.
Quote:maybe i missed it
I didn't. :thumbs-up:
So seeing as Laz is dead, is K1d the token darkie again?

Hookers are illegal? :rofl: :rofl:
some rockx are better left unturned
who flipped Kid's?
Is it my fault again?
You're not that important.
We all couldn't be best friends with Jesus...
hehe, he said you're old.
I did.
Jesus loves you, this I know.
His Father hates me.
Well he's watching you and his child Silera. What did you expect?
Vice City happened to the board. Who needs it when I can kill innocent people for no good reason?
I was gonna disagree with k1d's opinion, then Alkey posted.
Is that a holocaust joke, cause I am a jew?
This place used to be all out. Now the children have come in and it stinks. No sense of humor anymore, and no serious discussions anymore. It's all baby talk.
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