Glad to see that everyone's deepest fears were for naught and that the pregnancy angle isn't even going to be gone into. It just served to make steph look like an even bigger bitch than she already was and further distance herself from Triple H. Now when she joins Jericho, in my opinion, Jericho will get more heat than he already has and the match at Wrestlemania will be huge because of it.
My sentiments exactly.
Thank God that shit is over. It was great to see Trips fucking flip on that hosebeast. :lol:
It was cool and all but I was kinda hoping that HHH would pedigree her. Oh well at least they're finally ending this marriage crap. I hated it from the begining.
YellowDiscipline Wrote:It was cool and all but I was kinda hoping that HHH would pedigree her. Oh well at least they're finally ending this marriage crap. I hated it from the begining.
I was sssssssooooooooooooooo wishing she got the pedigree, it would have rocked. :bouncer: :bouncer:
Sean Cold Wrote:YellowDiscipline Wrote:It was cool and all but I was kinda hoping that HHH would pedigree her. Oh well at least they're finally ending this marriage crap. I hated it from the begining.
I was sssssssooooooooooooooo wishing she got the pedigree, it would have rocked. :bouncer: :bouncer:
I don't know, I think that's considered spousal abuse no?
Faceman Wrote:I don't know, I think that's considered spousal abuse no?
Well, if we will continue on "buying" into this, I think she has a mighty strong case against her as well.
Sean Cold Wrote:Faceman Wrote:I don't know, I think that's considered spousal abuse no?
Well, if we will continue on "buying" into this, I think she has a mighty strong case against her as well.
I do see your point as well. I think a seperate, but equal division of the marital assets would be the best thing for both parties involved, if we are going to continue to "buy" into it. So who gets the "baby game" gorilla that Angle had the other night at smackdown?
he should have pedigreed her ass. that would have made it great. :bouncer:
I'm just disappointed that her wedding dress didn't fall off. damn her tits are HUUUUUGGGEEEE.......Someone get playboy on the line.
he couldn't pedigree her yet...he needed to save something for when she is jericho's valet at wm18...then he can do this
:punch: to her
OK, so am I the only one that noticed this....
When Vince when into her dressing room to "make up" with her, he was talking to her, and at one point looked down and stared right at her boobs?
i wish they kept her pregnant and then had HHH punch her in the stomach @ wm18... :p
Grumpy Wrote:I'm just disappointed that her wedding dress didn't fall off. damn her tits are HUUUUUGGGEEEE.......Someone get playboy on the line.
I'm with ya there 100% Grumpy. My fucking jaw dropped when they showed her in that dress.
All I kept hoping for was for her to pop out when HHH pushed her.
Flock of Moosen Wrote:I'm with ya there 100% Grumpy. My fucking jaw dropped when they showed her in that dress.
All I kept hoping for was for her to pop out when HHH pushed her.
She spent her whole time on her back trying to cover her love clam though, I guess she had the bazokas holstered pretty well.
And yeah, Vinny Mac was so checking out his "investments" in the dressing room.
i saw vince staring too, but i was tired, so i thought it was my imagination!! damn, what a freak he is!! i don't blame him at all, but what a freak!
Skitchr4u Wrote:i saw vince staring too, but i was tired, so i thought it was my imagination!! damn, what a freak he is!! i don't blame him at all, but what a freak!
WEll, he DID buy them. So I guess he's entitled to see em.
they are so huge. the hugeness is amazing. playboy will be calling probably.
[Vince] Get on your hands and knees like a dog... [/Vince]
