Hitler liked to be peed on and pooped on during sex. I think that guy had some fuckin issues.
Alright, so he had some good qualities. But he was still a scumbag.
Yeha, just cause he was kinky doesn't make him bad. Now if he liked Jews to poop on him, that would just be sick.
i'm a peein, you're a peein, we're all a peein!
Marc Anthony liked to have sex with both men and boys, sometimes he fucked cleopatra though.
Quote:Marc Anthony liked to have sex with both men and boys, sometimes he fucked cleopatra though.
My girlfriend loves him.
Quote:My girlfriend loves him.
what a set up, I will let that one go.
The entrails removed during the embalming of all the popes since Pope Sixtus the Fifth are held in terracotta jars in the church of Santi Vincenzo ed Anastasio, opposite the Trevi fountain, Rome. But the mummified husks of the popes are held underground in the grotto at St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican.
During a new embalming procedure first tried on pope Pius the Twelfth, his head turned black and his nose fell off.
Quote:new embalming procedure
Right, because the Egyptians didn't perfect that like 3000 years ago...
Quote:Right, because the Egyptians didn't perfect that like 3000 years ago...
Dude we are talking about the "holy" church, like they actually believe someone else can do anything better than them.
Nobody touches little boys better...
At least 13 churches world-wide claim to own Christ's foreskin.
In the roman empire they had public bathrooms, which we basically stone benches with holes in them. There would be dozens of "toilets" per bench. The lavatories became gathering places where people would gossip and meet, while handling their business.
Bah!! Jesus was a self hating jew.
Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia ate pages from the Bible - he was convinced that it would cure illness. In 1913 he died from a stroke whilst attempting to eat the entire Book of Kings.
Quote:The lavatories became gathering places where people would gossip and meet, while handling their business.
This sounds like the men's room in my office.
So wrong, weed, so wrong.