Full Version: Seriously... - I'm so serious...
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Pages: 1 2 3
Quote:This thread is the genius painter was looking for? You should seriously be beaten. hard. If this is not inane bullshit I dunno what is.
Hey, if everyone else can laugh at me, why can't I? I seriously like it.
Quote:Fine, everyone laugh at me now. I'm Lance Storm.

Quote:Fine, everyone laugh at me now. I'm Lance Storm.

I seriously wish you'd be serious for a moment. Seriously.

Just a wrestler with a played out gimmick.
Hey, back to the Trailer Park with the lot of you! :poke:
Quote:Just a wrestler with a played out gimmick.
that would imply any of it was fresh & new :-p
Quote:Hey, back to the Trailer Park with the lot of you!

But...but...they done turned off the heat in there.

Quote:But...but...they done turned off the heat in there.

Speak for your own trailer!! :-p
Pages: 1 2 3