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How BLACK are you?

Brought to you by the good folks at
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How BLACK are you?

No surprise, considering the fact I AM the whitest person in Wisconsin. ;-)
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How BLACK are you?

Brought to you by the good folks at
Quote:No surprise, considering the fact I AM the whitest person in Wisconsin.
That would be very person in the Fox Valley
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How BLACK are you?

Brought to you by the good folks at
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i took the "what cartoon dog are you?" quiz and it came back with an accurate answer

[Image: ren.jpg]

Edited By LZMF1 on 1037053003
me thinks jack didn't answer honestly... i think he went into it with a "what would gonzo say" attitude :-p

i'm michael jackson
Quote:me thinks jack didn't answer honestly... i think he went into it with a "what would gonzo say" attitude
but jack is mad ghetto, yo. he's almost as much of a thug a hall monitor
I'm whiter then white. So all you uppity negro's better say in line or else... :burnfucker:
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[Image: 20.gif]

How BLACK are you?

Brought to you by the good folks at
<center> <font size="2" face="Trebuchet MS">[Image: scooby.jpg]

cartoon dog are you?

Brought to you by the good folks at

<center> <font size="2" face="Trebuchet MS">[Image: ralph.gif]

lesser-known Simpsons character are you?

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heyyyy that doesn't sound so good ....
:fuggin: pass that?
<center> <font size="2" face="Trebuchet MS">[Image: ren.jpg]

cartoon dog are you?

Brought to you by the good folks at

<center> <font size="2" face="Trebuchet MS">[Image: krusty.gif]

lesser-known Simpsons character are you?

Brought to you by the good folks at
i was odie and ralph

i don't like these quizes :clueless:
<center> <font size="2" face="Trebuchet MS">[Image: peabody.jpg]

cartoon dog are you?

Brought to you by the good folks at

<center> <font size="2" face="Trebuchet MS">[Image: smithers.gif]

lesser-known Simpsons character are you?

Brought to you by the good folks at

Edited By PollyannaFlower46 on 1037082923
they tell me i'm stupid and they can't even proof read their own site Rolleyes
it's a really good site though .. it's by high school students

Quote:The Sacramento Independent Press was founded in May 2000 by four high school students, and enjoyed much success over the year and a half period in which it was published. The most successful underground newspaper in the history of Sac High, the paper was an inspiration for many, and a source of entertainment for thousands.
Quote:In this publication you are expected to make decisions all by yourself. You get to decide who and what to agree with, and why. You get to hear new viewpoints that you may have never
heard before. In this publication people are made fun of not because of color, gender, or age, but because they are ignorant. If they weren't so ignorant then they would not be so offended by us. Racism is a state of mind. If you are not racist, or sexist, then you will not be offended by people who are, or in our case, appear to be.

If you do not agree with us, too bad, cause we are in control; we are vandalizing your minds with our verbal excrement, and you have no choice, and you may not even know it. You will
change. You will transform. You will learn. You will disagree. You will enjoy it.

and finally...

Quote:The subject of this story is the numerous misprints in our paper. Many people feel the need to point them out to us, because they obviously think they're smarter than us. But if this were true, they would be putting out a better paper, wouldn't they. .... Besides having so many mistakes, our other claim to fame is having so much offensive material. These two can be linked, to show that our offensiveness was unintended, but was rather a clever misprint. Think, for a second, of the phrase, "the cops set him up." While this is mean to cops, it is not a bad remark. One letter is mistyped, and it says, "the cops sex him up." Now that is dirty. This could be happening throughout our paper, and be the cause for all of our complaints. For example, think of all of the ramifications (I said ramifications) if this simple change were made to a quote from the bible. The quote: "Blessed is he who trusts in the lord." The mistake: an extra 'h'. The result: "Blessed is he who thrusts in the lord." This is horrible! A beautiful, spiritually uplifting quote is senselessly transformed into a sacrilegious piece of filthy garbage. Could this same process be taking place throughout our paper, causing us to unwittingly be the cause of so much strife? Probably not, but I'm hoping you'll forgive us anyway. Besides, isn't that what God says anyway, to leave all of the judging up to him, and to love everyone equally.

:banana: :banana: :banana:
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lesser-known Simpsons character are you?

Brought to you by the good folks at

Lies... All lies I tell you. I need someone to recklessly throw into the cell... who hould it be.
Quote:people feel the need to point them out to us, because they obviously think they're smarter than us
bah :fuckoff:

i'm not styupid damnit :disappointed:
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