Full Version: American squirrel attacks british neighbourhood - Teenweek news item of the day!
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Just the link.

My favorite part is the two year old spinning around with the squirrel firmly attached to the forehead.

OMG, I saw this squirrel bite this kids face off and I was like .......
I didn't know DrunkBoy was in England.
You guys really kill me. I cannot live down this reputation for posting news items on o& I find many stupid things that are funny but don't post them just for this reason. :toast:
Quote:one resident stated, "I will never trust a squirrel again."
Squirrels be schemin', son :rofl:
This is all in tribute to you, TW. You have created an icon, a pop-culture phenomenon, like when the kids fight, they say "I'm gonna cut you up faster than Al Bundy!" Now when we report a news story, it's "In honor of the memory of Teen Week.....:
:fuggin: :banana:
Teenweek =
Teenweek > > >
I like Foxnews better. MSNBC sucks
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Quote:<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quote:I like Foxnews better

You just like it when E. D. (Fox & Friends) wears short skirts and you can see her knees.
who doesn't
squirrels are still cool :thumbs-up:
Was I the only one who after reading the title thought this sounded like a Trigger Happy TV stunt gone wrong ?
The squirrel and the sniper were in cahoots.
Quote:I'm gonna cut you up faster than Al Bundy!
Ted Bundy?
that can't possilby be real! there is no way i can believe that story.
Quote:Ted Bundy?

Nope, Al Bundy. I will not explain my obscure reference.
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