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Quote:The only thing that really worried me was the ether. There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge, and I knew we'd get into that rotten stuff pretty soon.
:banana: ::walking like the Village Drunkard::

How did you find the trip? Was it a festival, a tour?
How pretty was it
It's such a great little rock scene we have going. Amazing, wonderful, hospitable people from all over the world came for this (Scotland, Beligium, Australia, Japaaaaaan, Indianapolis, NY, Portland, Texas, etc.) . Everyone was so nice! Phenominal musicians, heavy rock n roll. Arizona was warm and beautiful -- palm trees everywhere are a bit strange though. I'll post some pictures when I get them back. There's some links to the bands here: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Edited By Spitfire on 1037214864
oh my god i've found my new favorite band. "Super Heavy Goat Ass"

yippie! spit's back :bouncer:

afternoon fuckers :thumbs-up:
vg do you want to go to a Super Heavy Goat Ass show with me? :banana:
What are space cakes?
only if i can get a t-shirt that says super heavy goat ass on it!

that would rock. hard.

some one some steal me from class. please.
woohoo :bouncer: :banana:
cakes from space. duh polly. :-p

sweet mother of god...i think my eye is going to fall out.
this is what i get for trying to act like a girl.
last week, i got my nails done, got acrylic put on to make them hard. heh.hard. and now im picking it off and a piece shot up in to my hurts...
I have a T-Shirt that says Super Heavy Spit's Ass.
its always funney until someone loses an eye :disappointed:
why are you picking it off?
I have wraps on my nails too...never happened...ever...maybe you're just blonde ;-)
hiya Vg :lookatme:

Super Heavy Goat Ass did rock. hard. But they're a local Phx band, so you gotta go there to check em out. High energy, Southern rock heaviness. Glad I got there early for them!

Sadly, Pinky Tuscadero's White Knuckle Ass Fuck did not live up to my expectations, though their song "I Fucked Brittny Spears" was ok, they didn't fit in with the rest of the bands.

Spacecakes are super-charged pot brownies YUM!
wow...5 posts all at the same time. you guys are good.

polly, i dont have wraps or tips for that matter. i had them just put acrylic on cause my nails were so weak. which was kinda stupid cause now they will be even weaker cause im picking them off. my eye is all blood-shot and tearing.

im picking them off cause i don't want them on no more.

i have to go get my flu shot and go to the cemetry cause its my grnadpa's birthday. poo on that. :disappointed:

Edited By virgingrrl on 1037215910
VG said 4.

Women are terrible with math

Edited By Sloatsburgh on 1037216000
I don't have tips either...I have an acrylic overlay on my nails as well...if you're really trying to get them off, honestly just use your teeth to loosen them at the base and then peel upwards with like a credit card or something.
i meant 5 too..just hit the wrong number...all better now.

i've got 3 off, and they look like just using my teef and prying them off with the other nails.
Whatever you do, DON'T use nail polish'll be dirty forever....

Do you have cuticle clippers...those help...
Be sure to pull the real nail off too.
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