![[Image: table.jpg]](http://www.survivorseries.com/images/table.jpg)
Bubba, Spike and Jeff Hardy vs Rico and 3 minute Warning.
Winners:Bubba, Spike and Jeff Hardy
3 minute warning will probably annihilate Spike. Jeff Hardy will probably do some high spots off ladders to put people through tables. I think Bubba will win it for his team.
![[Image: vic_trish.jpg]](http://www.survivorseries.com/images/vic_trish.jpg)
Women's Title match with Victoria vs Trish
-I think this will be actually a good match. Victoria cannot talk for shit but they both can wrestle. I think we may see blood in this match. I can see Victoria bleeding because Trish is the model of the two. This will make her look more psycho. I think she will pin Trish after a violent match for women.
Triple Threat tag match for WWE Tag titles
Rey Mysterio and Edge vs Chris Benoit and Kurt ANgle vs The Guerreros.
Winner:Rey Mysterio and Edge hold onto their belts in an obvious match of the year candidate and an all out great match. Kurt and Benoit probably finally break up their tag team for good.
![[Image: show_brock.jpg]](http://www.survivorseries.com/images/show_brock.jpg)
Brock Lesnar vs Big Show for the WWE championship
Winner: Brock Lesnar
I think Brock will retain by DQ because Paul heyman will interfere and try to help the Big Show. This will allow Lesnar to keep the belt and give them a rematch at Armegeddon with Lesnar F5'ng the Big Show and ending his hopefully last big push.
RVD vs Booker T vs Kane vs HBK vs Y2J vs HHH
I think RVD and Y2J will start it. I think Kane will come in next, than HHH, than Booker T and than HBK.
I say RVD gets eliminated first. Than Kane. Leaving it 2 heels and 2 faces. I think HBK will than eliminate Y2J and Y2J will than annihilate HBK before he leaves. I think HHH will than eliminate HBK as payback for HBK's win at Summerslam. I than say it comes down to Booker vs HHH. Scott Steiner shows up, somehow interferes and beats up Booker T, thus allowing HHH to pedigree Booker for the win. HHH, Scott Steiner and Ric Flair embrace to end the show. Steiner and HHH will probably wrestle at Wrestlemania and I dont think they will start a feud until after the Royal Rumble which is 2 months away.
Quote:I than say it comes down to Booker vs HHH
Are you high? They build up HHH vs HBK since Summerslam and then don't have a showdown between the two? Yeah right, not even wwe is that dumb
My reasoning is that a feud with HBK and Y2J looks like it will happen after what jericho did to him on raw with the chair shots. I Also think HHH is going to keep the belt from this or if he loses he will win it back tomorrow night at raw or at Armageddon. That many title changes makes the title even worse than it already is. I do not think HBK will win the belt because he is only going to wrestle on PPV and with that it might only be the major ones (Summerslam, Survivor Series, Royal Rumble?) Giving the title to Shawn would be like when they gave it to Hogan. It got a good reaction, but not better ratings. I think the feud to build around is HHH and Booker with it eventually being HHH and Steiner with or without the title if Booker can win it later on. They just started this feud and cannot kill it already. Although see RVD and Kane as exhibits 1a and 1b.
the only way I see HBK and HHH not being the finale is if HBK eliminates HHH and then leaves, thus doing what he promised to do, make sure HHH is not champion
I can also see HBK superkicking Booker to give HHH the win. I do not see Shawn Michaels winning the title or they should just throw the belt in the garbage.
I can also see Jericho winning it by HBK superkicking HHH so Jericho can pin him. The only 2 who have no shot in Hell of winning hte belt is RVD or Kane with Booker T right behind. No matter what, I see HHH being champ at Royal Rumble whether he keeps it or wins it back again.
Remember what Survivor Series is famous for. CONTROVERSEY and SCREWJOBS.
Edited By Teenweek on 1037209350
Actually, I think Triple H is going to drop the belt Sunday. I believe that the WWE is beginning to realize that too much Triple H is bad. According to 1wrestling, Triple H and William Regal are being barred from production meetings now because the influence being put on the production crew by those two is hurting the product in many eyes.
I don't know who is going to pick the title up but I do believe that Triple H will be dropping the title to start his feud with Scott Steiner Monday Night. A good 2 month buildup culminating at Royal Rumble between those two could bring some viewers back.
HBK: Title....you heard it here first.
Quote:Yeah right, not even wwe is that dumb
Oh ye of little faith.
Quote:Women's Title match with Victoria vs Trish
I think we may see blood in this match.
will resist the easy joke, I
WILL resist the easy joke...*
Winner: Victoria (after all, she is a crazy woman...or at least, JR says she is, so it
must be true)
Six Man Tag: 3 Minute Warning & Rico...wouldn't be surprised to see Spike turn on Bubba & Jeff, since WWe teased him a few weeks ago being upset with not being's Bubba's #1 pick for a tag team partner. Then again, silly me, expecting WWe to remember that far back.
Triple Threat Tag match: Eddie & Chavo. Rey is injured, Edge might be shuffled off to another singles feud, and Damn the "creative" team to Hell if they decide to end the Angle-Benoit feud.
Big Show vs Brock Lesnar: Stupid as it sounds, I see Show winning by a technicality, either a DQ or countout. In any case, Brock's hanging on to that belt.
Elimination Chamber: The Gay-muh. They can bar him from all the production meetings they want, but he's still at least one executive's favorite, and as long as he keeps her happy, she'll be sure to return the favor. I'm sure it'll be a Hell of a match, but the outcome, as I see it, sucks donkey dick. Look for Steiner to become an automatic top contender for the belt when he makes his debut.
I couldn't give a fuck about this show. There's only one match that I'd care to see, and we get a different variation of that match every week anyway. No reason to sit through 2 and a half hours of nonsense for it.
It's still amazing, with all the great wrestlers in the world, the best title contenders they can come up with are Undertaker and now Big Show...
the Big Show/Brock feud has alot more heat and interest than the Undertaker one. And, the Hell in a Cell match was pretty good as a capper. Expect to see Brock defeat the Big Show with a modified F5 of taking BigShow from broken move on the turnbuckle or ropes.
it is so obvious heyman is turning on brock on sunday. I just hope they dont give big slow the title.
I can see HBK turning and joining HHH. Leaving Trips as the champion.
Quote:I can see HBK turning and joining HHH. Leaving Trips as the champion.
Thank you Stevie fucking Wonder. Noway in Hell that's happening.
how do you get a warning after 1 post? :clueless:
Quote:Thank you Stevie fucking Wonder. Noway in Hell that's happening.
Leave him alone. It's an opinion, though it may seem obvious it is not necessarily written in stone. It's the WWE were talking about.
Quote:Leave him alone. It's an opinion, though it may seem obvious it is not necessarily written in stone. It's the WWE were talking about.
Leave him alone??? What the fuck did i do to him??
It took him 3 months to come up with one post and the first reply is a retort. Just seemed rather mean is all.
Remind me again at what point this board was all warm and fuzzy?