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:banana: :banana: :banana:
That was half assed. Youre not even trying now. :-(
Day 15 Morning:
I am in pain. I was dragged off again last night. I was told that my family did not respond favorably. They cut my Damn ring finger off. The bastards cut my finger off. I must have passed out from the pain as I woke up in my cell again with a bloody bandaged hand. I will not be held hostage any longer. I will either escape or die trying.
Die Trying! Die trying! die trying!
Ok....the second effort is back on track. :thumbs-up:

Excellent stuff.
rather than reading all Jack's woes... why don't one of you guys try to help the poor bastard Rolleyes
Fuck that, let him rot. It's entertaining.
[Image: hacksaw.jpg]
jack's going to need gun...lots of guns.

[Image: neogunsmoving1.gif]

Edited By Hybrid on 1037742464
Day 25 Evening:
I'm sorry for not writing. It hurt my hand too much to do so.

I'm out. I made it to the outside. Jon came through for me. Somehow, and if I could figure it out I would tell you about it, we made it from my cell and through the prison to the outside. It was such a blur. All that I remember is a lot of shouting and running. A bullet grazed my left shoulder. Just a flesh wound though.

Now I have to run. I have to get out of Mexico and back onto U.S. soil before they recapture me. If I am recaptured I will no doubt be slaughtered or tortured to the point of no return. I must find a way.

Edited By Jack on 1040631536
The sequel was rushed, sloppy, poorly thought out and like all sequels didn't live up to the original. A moment in time lost forever which can not be recaptured with these fiddle-faddle attempts of yours.

i am waiting for the inevitable bonding with the nice guard that turns into chained man love. :bouncer:
Baker will go mad with jealousy and his heart will explode.
of course you are
Get to the point you take it up the ass from the guard. Gonzo likes that part. :banana: :banana:
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