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Kick his punk ass off and go to East 11 Congo Medley.
Alright. Where am I going?
central 7 random 420
Lobby of Central 7 server
galt actually fragged me a few times today. :disappointed:
Quote:galt actually fragged me a few times today.

That is sad.
galt fragged crack too!

we are both very :disappointed: with ourselves.
I am not what they call "good" at this here game.
you did well........

you got crack and me but you didn't take out the grand poobah....Mad.

Edited By LZMF1 on 1045835049
Look at the bright side Galt, you got voted off for shooting your team mate. Those dudes were mega-pissed at you. Asked what was wrong him and I told them you're slightly Retarded.

hey....that's my gimmick! not the shooting the team mates part but the slightly retarded part!
That's just not true. I didn't get kicked off, I quit.

And I had no idea he was on my team. He didn't have a name, he just had two arrows pointing down at him. I then later learned that his name was " ' ' ", which to me is really stupid.

And the only reason I didn't kill Mad was that he was on my team. Although I did shoot him a couple times because he shot me
remember.........if you put your cross hairs on someone and they turn green.....don't shoot, they're on your side.
anyone up for a game later tonight? if so lets figure it out on here first to avoid the confusion of last time
i'm pretty sure that slackjaw will be enjoying his free month of everquest online and we won't see him in any round of SOCOM in there near future......but are any of you guys still playing?
yeah i might be on later tonight, i stiill play about an hour a day when i get the chance
cool......i'll be playing mechassault on XBOX Live then i'll switch over to socrack.
Damn!!!!!!! i just spent 5 hours playing SOCRACK!!!

i personally like 3 on 3's more of a challenge with small teams. gameplan and communication is crucial. maybe we should have a 3 on 3 CDIH deathmatch from time to time.

create a private game with the usual password "ymb" and limit the # of people to 6.

yeah.......... that just might work!
I'll be off online for the next week or so. Got to take of a couple of things. My skills will decline so next week you should all be able to kill me.

i already can.... Confuseduicide:
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