Full Version: vote for your fave obituary - because sleeper's too lazy
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A vote for me is a vote for Vice City!!
no it isnt
A vote for me is a vote for a dead Maynard.
a vote for me is a vote against the virus that is arpi
Quote:A vote for me is a vote for a dead Maynard.
Waaaaaaa waaaaa waaaaa.

Fine... I'm sorry. Hugs!
Fuck you right in your ass!
Vote for me. I promise to make changes that everyone will like. A vote for me is a vote for the right candidate.

Oops.. I thought I was running for office :-(

Edited By Jack on 1037827167
ok jack wins. He gets to shake my hand. If that's not a reason to drive from Michigan to NY I don't know what is.
WOOOOOOOOOOO!!! Third place, motherbitches!!!

I'll save my wave for a later date.
I bought myself a Nesquik to celebrate being tied for 5th
Strawberry, chocolate, chocolate chocolate, vanilla chocolate, chocolate chocolate chocolate, blueberry chocolate, banana chocolate, or bubblegum chocolate?
Quote:chocolate chocolate chocolate
I just passed out at the thought of this.
strawberry is mighty good
I went on a strawberry binge freshman year and haven't recovered. I'll stick with chocolate.
Try the uber-chocolate chocolate chocolate. It's to die and be miraculously reborn for.
I had banana chocolate yesterday. :thumbs-up:
i think my oas obit was the best one.

although the one about teenweek and the CTRL-C and V was very clever.
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