Full Version: A brand new crack - Move over blueberry creme
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I was at the local grocery store tonight looking for a new ice cream (Ben&Jerrys is soooo yesterday). Figured Id give this a try....

[Image: whitechoclatte.gif]
White Chocolate Latte
<span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'>Silky smooth Ribbons of White
Chocolate Fudge in White Chocolate
Latte Ice Cream. Fresh Roasted Ice Cream.</span>

This is the greatest food I have <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>ever</span> had the pleasure of sampling. I highly reccomend it to anyone who eats.

Starbucks is overrated.
I don't like white chocolate.
ben and jerrys half baked > starbucks shit
Quote:Starbucks is overrated

I agree but this was from a grocery store. Its a good chance it just carries the name.
Im tellin' ya, this shits the bomb-diggity

They used to make a great flavor called Vanilla Mocha Swirl, but, the fucks discontinued it. :angry:
.... you sell out.....
I have got to try that, it sounds amazing. I love white chocolate.
i love white chocolate but never will a product bearing the starbucks name pass my lips. much as never will a product bearing a gap lable ever touch my body..
a starbucks just opened in my den
datebook, november 24th 2002, agent orange, keyser's den.
Quote:much as never will a product bearing a gap lable ever touch my body..

Quote:i love white chocolate but never will a product bearing the starbucks name pass my lips.

Go eat your Bangers and Mash
great answer, thanks for clearing that up
What was wrong with the old crack? Nothing better than that first hit. When I used to smoke crack it was the best. I would've fucked people that I wouldn't even have a slice of pizza with now. God I miss that stuff, but my bank account doesn't.
And i thought this was gonna be another blueberry coffee thread. Boy was i wrong.
Quote:I have got to try that, it sounds amazing. I love white chocolate
<span style='font-size:37pt;line-height:100%'><table style=filter:glow(color=black)>WHITE CHOCOLATE RULES!!!</table></span>