Does anyone know where on the net I could find a store that sells Iron-ons? I can't find one store on-line that sells them.
Specifically, I am looking for a Lambda Lambda Lambda iron on for my brother. Don't you want to be a Tri-Lam?
omega moooooooooooooooooooo
Don't they sell paper to make it and then print it out from your computer these days?
I believe they do... didn't someone do that to put their sig pic on their t-shirt at a board party once?
I buy those Neato make-your-own CD labels for my CD-Rs and I'm pretty sure I've seen an order form in there for an iron-on kit for your home computer.
the boardwalks in Jersey have alot of business dealing in iron-ons... you can get those "Silly Faggot" ones, the "Not only am I perfect, I'm also Italian", "International Breast Inspector"....
They sell paper that can make them?? That's awesome! I will have to look into that..
Now I just have to find the Tri-Lam emblem.
Thanks guys.
if ya go to your local Staples, OfficeMax, or craft store, they should have em. The office stores keep them in the printer paper aisle....
The paper won't be the hard part. Finding the image is.
Quote:Don't you want to be a Tri-Lam?
I do, unfortunately.....Im very white.



Quote:I believe they do... didn't someone do that to put their sig pic on their t-shirt at a board party once?
heh heh
here is what i was looking for. but i might as well just make it myself first and see how it comes out.
Nerd shirts
NICE!!!!! i want one for christmas!!!
<div align="center">
![[Image: Lambda.JPG]](
As someone who prints shirts for a living, take my advice and be careful doing this. All heat-on transfers you make will only work on white tees. The color from any other type of tee shirt will bleed though and you won't be able to see your image, or the color will be way off. This really rings true with a design that has white in it, since your printer does not print in white.
There are ways to put transfers on color shirts, but you can't really find them in a staples. Also, even, hard pressure works the best, so if you try this don't use a wobbly ironing board as the surface you put the shirt on. The usual heat for this process is 375degrees at 16 seconds of hard pressure.
If you can find a place near you that does this try taking it to them. Any screen printer, or sporting goods store that sells custom jerseys for whole teams has the press to do this. It basically is like a giant iron. The difference between that and the one at your house is that they can get a more accurate temperature reading from it and press on the whole design at once, ensuring heavy, even pressure. This will prevent any inconsistencies in color associated with uneven heating or pressure.
Usually if they are cool, they will let you bring the transfer in and charge you like $10 for the cost of the shirt and applying it to the shirt. Just remember to mirror the image from left to right before you print it, or any text you have will come out backwards.
I think there's a college based store out on LI somewhere that does fraternity stuff....I'll look into it and get back to ya
hey krahzee...wanna make me some shirts? :-D
i am in jersey so i wouldn't know where to go. I think I will just press it onto a white t-shirt.. Hopefully it would come out good.
krahzee, what shirts do you make?
i'm so serious, me and sleeper want you to make us some custom screened shirts krahzee. we'll pay.