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Yesterday was insane at work, I didn't even get my break. It was ok till this fuckin hassidic walks in. He bothered the fuck outta one of my co-workers. He kept him for 30 minutes asking for movie reccomendations. Then he didn't take any of the movies that he reccomended, so he walks up to me. Then he starts asking me if I saw this movie or that movie. The fuckin guy never saw Jaws or Godfather, so naturally I said they were fuckin classics. Instead he takes 3 of the worst B movies I ever heard of. He had the biggest fuckin attitude as well, he'd point out shit was out of order, cuase fucks like him take a movie then change their mind and put it wherever.

Now after all that shit he put us through, I go up front to see what needs to be put out on the shelves and there are the movies he took, he never even rented them after all that shit.

Clone Hitler, please!!!!
Yeah well.....retail sucks motherfuckin ass.

You can never please people. It's impossible. Next time you see him though....ya gotta kick his ass outta the store. :thumbs-up:
He smelled too, I wanted to cut off the curly fries on the side of his fuckin jew head. He smelled like cheese and stinky feet, my eyes were watering over. Plus I had the night shift last night and I figured it wouldn't be that busy cause people would be having dinner by that time. This fuckin guy showed up at 11TongueM by the way. We didn't get out till 1:30 am last night.

I also hate the punk kids who follow you around when you straighten the shelves and they fuck it up all over again.

Well I gotta leave for work now anyway.
What the fuck? Who needs to rent a fuckin' movie that fuckin' bad on Thanks-fukkin-giving?

They couldn't get it Wednesday?

You fukkin' douchebags that go out and rent fukkin movies or buy cigarettes or get your car washed or any other ridiculously stupid useless fukkin shit that could have been done the fukkin' day before or day fukkin' after and make it necessary for other fukkin' people to have to fukkin' work on fukkin' holidays fukkin' piss teh fukkin' barch off. :fuckoff:
what kind of bullshit holiday is hanukkah? Just the jews trying to get a holiday like christmas. at least I can see it more of a holiday than kwanzaa.
I went out and bought cigarettes yesterday. :clueless:

But it's ok, cause I bought them from the dotheads that don't celebrate T-Giving anyhow.
Quote:Just the jews trying to get a holiday like christmas.

Not that I don't like a good bashing of cultures and religions, but that's kindof hard since chanukah existed before christmas
how come the only hanukah song is from adam sandler and a dreidel song from south park. There are 100o's of christmas songs. I also don't see pre Hanukah sales.

What kind of presents do you give at hanukah besides dreidels and chocolate coins.
Jews are rich, they give good gifts.

Just ask WBK what his boss is giving his son
omg teenweek stop you are tooooo funny :rofl: :rofl:
Jews provide us with limitless humor. Is it worth it?

Jews are the reason I stopped working in retail.
Little religious Jews are the worst, when I was like 16, I worked as a party hostess in this like arcade place in Brooklyn, and one Sunday it was little Moshie's birthday, at which point he informed me how pathetic my life was because it was his birthday and I was supposed to show him a good time. He told me it was disgusting that I couldn't get a real job, and that he was sure my parents were happy with me. Of course when he wasn't looking, I put a booger in his cupcake as I was putting in the candle.
Quote:Of course when he wasn't looking, I put a booger in his cupcake as I was putting in the candle.

I wonder how sick he got and did his parents sue the place because of it?

Hassidic's are filthy, dirty disgusting people. I don't think they really represent all Jews. They are more like five percenter's and inbred as well.
Do any of you ACTUALLY hate Jews? :-o That's so bizzarre to me. It's like hating...Irish-Americans. They pray different. A percentage of them are assholes or smell or whatever, but it's hard to find any group of people who don't have those percentages...
Quote:It's like hating...Irish-Americans

Blasphemy :angry:
After everything you complain about work, still better than being unemployed.
I would like to state, for the record, that I now hate plasticman far more than I ever hated jews.
I day in the life of a videostore clerk. :lol:
Just go up to the roof of your store and relieve some tension with a nice game of roller hockey.
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