RAW preview for Dec. 2
RAW comes to you live Monday night on The New TNN at 9/8 CT.
Shawn Michaels' first defense of the World Heavyweight Championship turned ugly when Triple H, the former Champion, interfered, leaving both HBK and Rob Van Dam lifeless in the ring.
One can imagine that last Monday was not the last ruthless attack The Game plans on making on Michaels. Where and when will Triple H strike next? Find out Monday night on RAW.
Also, the last time we saw the World Tag Team Champions, they were naked. One week later (and hopefully, fully clothed), will Christian and Chris Jericho look for revenge on the Dudleys?
We'll undoubtedly get more information on all these questions and many more Monday night on RAW! Don't miss it when it kicks off at 9/8 CT on the new TNN!
The following matches are confirmed by WWE.com for RAW tonight:
#1 Contenders Match:
-Triple H vs. Rob Van Dam
(I wonder who will win)
Tag-Team Match:
The Dudley Boyz vs. 3 Minute Warning
Singles Match:
Chris Jericho vs. Booker T
So we can expect Triple H/Quick Match/Triple H/Match/People talking about Triple H/Short side angle nobody cares about/Match/Triple H/Triple H/Triple H
Quote:So we can expect Triple H/Quick Match/Triple H/Match/People talking about Triple H/Short side angle nobody cares about/Match/Triple H/Triple H/Triple H
I'm sensing there should be a pattern here, but I can't...quite...grasp it... :-p
So far the Dudleys beat 3 Minute Warning... Triple H is then shown arriving... guess we won't have a semi Triple H free night. It would be nice if he just had his match, lost, and that was all we saw of him... Footage is shown of Dudleys getting stomped and then Triple H is shown arguing with Bischoff.
Anyone think Austin will make an appearance since they are in Texas?
Edited By Jack on 1038882172
I'm just trying to figure out who is the bigger walking stereotype. Booker T or Eddie Guerro. :crackhead:
Edited By JerseyThunder on 1038885918
LOL NIGGERS AND SPICS LOL :rofl: :thumbs-up: :lol: :crackhead: :lookatme: :lol:
Wow, even J.R. just said the world doesen't revolve around hhh. :-o
Quote:Wow, even J.R. just said the world doesen't revolve around hhh.
Sure, JR
wants you to believe that, but we all know better.
All your Raw is belong to Paul Levesque.
HHH wins yeah!!! :toast:
I am a HHH supporter and don't jump on the internet bandwagon of everyone has to hate him. He is an integral part of Raw, but They have to make this a triple threat match somehow with RVD winning or HBK keeping it.
I guess they dumped the Jericho vs Steiner feud already. Maybe that will happen once Jericho and Christian lose the belts to the dudley's at armegeddon. And who the Hell is Booker going to face.
Quote:All your Raw is belong to Paul Levesque.
Like he would ever let anyone forget.

Goldust should be Raw champion. He's the most over guy on the show. He's also been the best worker on the show over the last few months.
Quote:Goldust should be Raw champion. He's the most over guy on the show.
Shows you how much things have changed...instead of laughing at that statement, the first thought to come to mind was "Hell, ANYTHING for a fucking break from He-Who-Shall-Not-Job." Of course, 'Dust would only drop the title to Hunter in less than 2 minutes on the following week's Raw.