Full Version: Smoke pot - then proceed....
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how's it going everybody :fuggin:

(don't worry about me, i don't eat steak, just give me some marshmallows and i'll sit here quietly)
you can keep the steaks & marshmallows.... i just want the weed :fuggin:
winamp visuals have tons of different trippy scenes like this. and it goes along to the music you play.
Quote:And sometimes he will be walking by you and just stop and stay something deep like "Did you know that IF is the middle word of Life." He's deep like that, man. He's out there.
I'm not a chicken..
You're a turkey. Confusedmokey:
I was walking down the street just the other day
when I heard this voice sayayyyy
HEY ain't we walkin down the very same street on the very saaaame day
I said Hey Senorita why don't we get together & call ourselves an institute
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