Full Version: Smoke pot - then proceed....
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oooooo :thumbs-up:
[Image: whoa_small.jpg]
Oh no....not this again. :disappointed:
Quote:Oh no....not this again.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
soooooooo coooooollll mahn
You're just jealous cause your brain makes it impossible to smoke.
you are just jealous because i dont have to spend money and search for dope. my brain takes care of all of that for free now. :-p
You're just jealous that I can drink more than 1 beer without fear of dying. :lol:
i can drink again, so there! TTTHHHHPPPTT!!
i've got cotton eyes :fuggin:

now i wanna smoke up and stare at that for a while!

or drop 5 hits of acid and stare at it for roughly 14 hours!!!!!
Didn't I see that in Weird Science?
Owie that hurt my head....
I'm gonna go throw up now.
duuuude :thumbs-up: Confusedmokey:
waggle your mouse and click the buttons as you're looking at the page.....hmmmmph! fuckin' trippy man!

Edited By LZMF1 on 1038885161
that's a really cool site! nice find!!
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