Full Version: Joe Millionaire - Could be best reality show ever
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I totally love the concept of this show. My wife loved the bachelor, but this show looks awesome. Classy up a guy who makes next to nothing and than lie that he is a millionaire and see if the girls still love him.



December 3, 2002 -- THE latest reality show will make fun of reality shows - and the women who flock to get on shows like "The Bachelor" in hopes of getting rich.
Fox has secretly been producing "Joe Millionaire, " a seven-episode series in which 20 women will compete to marry a man they believe to be a millionaire - but is really a construction worker who makes $19,000 a year.

The women were flown to France where they competed to win the heart of a man they are told just inherited $50 million.

Viewers will know from the start Joe is, in fact, a blue-collar guy, but in the show (which debuts Jan. 6 at 9 p.m.), he was transformed from a Schlitz swigger to a swaggering playboy.

"In a way, we're ripping the mask off the people [who sign up for shows like 'The Bachelor']," Fox reality programming chief Mike Darnell told Daily Variety. "We find out whether they're really doing this for love."

Joe will lie to the women about how he inherited the money, but will tell the truth about every other aspect of his life.

"All of his back-story is true, except for the money part," Darnell said.

Just like in "Bachelor," Joe will narrow down the dating pool each week.

Dates will include horseback rides through the French countryside (near what the women believe is his chateau) and gourmet meals at the Eiffel Tower.

Instead of roses, like on "The Bachelor," Joe will give each of the losing women pieces of jewelry of escalating value.

In the final episode, the faux millionaire will chose the one woman with whom he wants to have a relationship. If the woman agrees to continue the relationship, Joe will be forced to tell the truth - about his empty bank account.

Fox execs have declined to say if a marriage proposal is involved.

Edited By Teenweek on 1038925183
I don't know, these reality shows are really becoming ridiculous. Yes, I still watch Survivor, but I've been watching it since the very first show, and at the time it was original (and still is, IMO). All of these knock-off shows with different twists and settings just seem to be more flash-in-the-pan ratings grabbers than anything else. Even American Idol, which is somewhat different than the rest, is really just Extreme Star Search.
i dunno

i think its going to be pretty funny seeing all of these dumb bitches, suck up to this schmuck like he is some wealthy guy
I think it's going to be funny watching all the lawsuits come out from broads who were exposed on national TV as being shallow moneygrubbing whores, thus causing emotional distress.
yeah thats going to be funny also
the last show when he has to admit he makes less money than a homeless person and to see the girl's faces will be priceless.
I also think it'll be funny when it's exposed that the guy really isn't poor. I bet he's this perfect looking guy, who just works on the side because his family is doing well, or he's an "aspiring actor" or some bullshit.

I guarantee this isn't some schmo they picked up off the street.

I bet he's educated, in great shape, and is just like the dudes that would be on "The Bachelor"

This show is fixed. I call it.
you're the man now dawg
well it is fox who were the producers of who wants to marry a millionaire
Thanks, Brah
Hybrid's avatar may be scarrier than Freddy's. I think this show will suck balls like the rest of them.
Quote:I think it's going to be funny watching all the lawsuits come out from broads who were exposed on national TV as being shallow moneygrubbing whores, thus causing emotional distress.

And then watch them scramble to do a Playboy spread for 500K.

Hybrid's avatar is scaring me too.
if only the avatar moved slower...her face moves too fast!
Quote:if only the avatar moved slower...her face moves too fast!

Seizure chick is HOT! But that's what 12 cups of Blueberry Creme coffee will do to you.
...when I saw the commercials for this, it looked fucking stupid, thought it was another marry a millionaire show. Now that I know that the guy is lying about his money, that whole riding in on the horse is so much funnier....
starts this monday. Looks funny.
I like the idea, but I bet the show itself will suck balls

Quote:i think its going to be pretty funny seeing all of these dumb bitches, suck up to this schmuck like he is some wealthy guy
I heard they were going to get a bunch of dicks to make asses over themselves over some hot girl too. equal oppty shmucking for money. :banana:
I'm not much of a tv watcher, but I definitely want to tune into this show. I can't wait until those gold-diggin broads are exposed for what they truly are!! And he's not too bad on the eyes, either!
Quote:I heard they were going to get a bunch of dicks to make asses over themselves over some hot girl too. equal oppty shmucking for money.
isn't that show blind date?
they should find some shemale and make all the guys go crazy over it
It will be kinda interesting to see the looks on the faces of these gold diggin money grubbing hosebags. Why couldn't they recruit some of us guys from in here?? Give us a shave and a shower and see what other words..GET SOME REAL PEOPLE!!!!
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