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[Image: sleeping.gif]
:fucking: :fucking: :fucking: :fucking: :fucking: :fucking: :fucking:
Shhhhhhhhhhhhh...... everyone's napping.
:fuggin: :blow:
:loveya: :banana:
Confusedneak: sorry sorry
I don't want to hear another peep out of any of you.
I hear peeping!!!!

<bgsound src="">
what are ya gonna do about it? hmmmmmmmmmmmmm?
Don't make me come over there.
im not home, if you sneak into my window there wont be anyone in there

:jumps and bounces on all the sleeping people:
what's with the fucking birds? :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer:
They're peeping.
:lookatme: hey vg!
Rolleyes im not listening to you danked
:lookatme: amy!

birds don't go peep peep. they go chirp chirp.
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