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But Silera already has kids.
I can't swallow her kids. ;-)
pat was telling me the other day how he felt that this union city was like one giant pussy just waiting to get fucked.

Edited By Keyser Soze on 1039405882
The world is yours.
To fuck.
the bad guy lives off palisades.
I masturbated last night, it was rather good.
I was going to this morning, but I woke up late so there was no time. I'll save it for my lunch hour, the menu sucks today anyway.
masturbation at work rocks, the best part is walking back out and shaking hands with people. While bearing the knowlege you just jerked off and didn't wash you hand.
I have to be careful about doing it at work, though. There are some guys that would be "more than happy" to help me out, and that just ain't gonna happen. Why can't the hottie secretaries be so willing to lend a hand?
hahahahaha goatweed has a bunch of fags hot for his ass at work!!!!

They haven't hit on me yet, thank god - fuckin' meat packers aren't even shy about it at work! I've seen them "move" on other guys, but I'm here 5 years now and they've never come up to me. I guess I'm not their type.

Suddenly, the urge to jerkoff has left me.
wow that hurts dude, how can a fag not find you hot?
Quote:I've seen them "move" on other guys
What the Hell does that mean?
like you dont know Rolleyes
Substitute a male for spit and you have your answer.
Quote:What the Hell does that mean?
it means they act a certain way to certain other guys, usually the new guys (like paralegals, seasonal associates, etc.). Kinda like when that new, hot secretary starts, and everyone wants to know their situation (married, single, age, etc.) and they introduce themselves, etc. It's like being in high school around here...

May, I can hook you up with one of them if ya like ;-)
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