Full Version: only sleeper and me! everybody else, STAY OUT!!
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Pages: 1 2 3
i see that someone finally realized that the thesaurus is not just for killing cockroaches
I have nothing interesting to say :-(
Gomez, you left out "prig".

Hi everyone!! :lookatme:
haha sum 41
i knew that was coming. i like this song.
me too Undecided
What's your name?

No, it's Sven now
Is this a "no girls allowed" gathering spot?
theres a real life real world going on with my roommate and his friends. theres even a token black guy called "BET" and a bisexual guy.
It's like Augusta National..... Sleeper threw a club at me....
i have a friend who'se middle name is sven
You accidentally left "IrishAlkey" out of the text of this thread's title.

Kindly edit it.

Thank you.
above the emoticons there are the faces with the select circle next to each one. what are they for?
..dude, it looks like you're fucking Natalie Portman.....
so hot
ok , so what is the point of selecting one of the faces?
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