Full Version: only sleeper and me! everybody else, STAY OUT!!
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Sleeper and i are the only ones with anything interesting to say, so i have created this thread for us. Now we have a place where we can talk without having to dumb down the conversation for the rest of you philistines!

Hello Sleeper.
Hi, so am I the old sleeper now?
witty as always my good friend! it is for the sole purpose of sharing these sort of bon mots that i started this thread.
I'm gonna name my band "bon mots"...or "bebop and rocksteady"
i'm gonna post here too. just because.
exactly the sort lower caste gutter snipe we wish to keep out of here.
what did i do wrong Undecided
he called you a snipe....
yea so anyway, how has chanukah treated you thus far?
ahhh, the festival of lights is always a joyous occasion! i hope that your holiday season is as merry and full of good cheer.
do you celebrate hannukah sleeper? :clueless:
no I don't celebrate Chanukah!
Quote:do you celebrate hannukah sleeper?

your obvious inability to understand the english language has led you to believe that you are welcome to post in this thread. please let me assure you that this is an error of the most grievous kind. this faux pas of yours can be easily rectified by your immediate departure. thank you and have a nice day.
i'm gonna stay though. thanks.
fucking elitist pricks....
what about me? i didn't see my name individually mentioned so i'm not sure of what i should be doing
oh shit!
as always, the peasants have ruined the fun with thier low born manners and hooligan-like ways. :disappointed:
word is bond nukka
This thread has been overrun by hypocritical, greedy, violent, malevolent, vengeful, cowardly, deadly, mendacious, meretricious, loathsome, despicable, belligerent, opportunistic, barratrous, contemptible, criminal, fascistic, bigoted, racist, sexist, avaricious, tasteless, idiotic, brain-damaged, imbecilic, insane, arrogant, deceitful, demented, lame, self-righteous, byzantine, conspiratorial, satanic, fraudulent, libelous, bilious, splenetic, spastic, ignorant, clueless, illegitimate, harmful, destructive, dumb, evasive, double-talking, devious, revisionist, narrow, manipulative, paternalistic, fundamentalist, dogmatic, idolatrous, unethical, cultic, diseased, suppressive, controlling, restrictive, malignant, deceptive, dim, crazy, weird, dystopic, stifling, uncaring, plantigrade, grim, unsympathetic, jargon-spouting, censorious, secretive, aggressive, mind-numbing, arassive, poisonous, flagrant, self-destructive, abusive, socially-retarded, puerile, clueless, and generally Not Good sons of bitches.
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