Full Version: The transit strike - Let's discuss
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Yeah cause cops enforce the law to the T in new york. If it doesn't involve writing up a traffic ticket they won't really care. With all the traffic that will overwhelm the city do you actually believe they can spend time checking every single car? Then if they do put enough cops to do so, who will patrol the rest of the city? It's not possible when you think about it, I agree that it does put an increase not only on a terrorism level but plain old crime as well.

Beyond that how much more shit do you think this city is gonna take before people start snapping? I am being serious here, how much more shit are people gonna take? After driving in the city someone will be so fuckin pissed, then they go in for a drink and can't smoke all of a sudden... anarchy is around the corner.
Quote:Beyond that how much more shit do you think this city is gonna take before people start snapping? I am being serious here, how much more shit are people gonna take? After driving in the city someone will be so fuckin pissed, then they go in for a drink and can't smoke all of a sudden... anarchy is around the corner.

I was saying the exact same thing to a co-worker this morning. Not to beat the 9/11 horse to death, but there are still epopel here that think and/or talk about it every day, and they're obviously still affected by it. Plus we recently had a bomb scare here, and now we have our bags searched when we enter our FLOOR - mind you, we got issued security cards to swipe through turnstiles just to get to the elevator banks, now we're being searched on our own floor.

Add the daily threat of war, plus increasing taxes, taking away a person's right to smoke in his or her favorite establishment, and now make it harder for the poor slob who hates his job already to get to said job - somone's bound to go nuts and potentially do some serious shit.

And my wife wonders why I wanna move to the Keys so bad :-(
Bloomberg will slowly but surely turn this city into a fuckin warzone if he keeps on his current pace, where the fuck is pataki in this whole mess?

For all the shit Rudy got for closing the porn shops and all that nonsense, you gotta admit shit ran like clockwork.
put us at a severe terrorism risk

Please explain, I don't follow
Simple. Anything that will cause there to be a greater response time by emergency vehicles will make us that much more of an enticing target for some whackos to attack. This would be the perfect time to strike.
At least I think so. I'm probably wrong as usual.
But the strike makes it harder for EVERYBODY to get around, including terrorists. It's like an equal opportunity annoyance. I understand how it's a huge danger for emergency vehicles, nobody get sick!
Quote:But the strike makes it harder for EVERYBODY to get around, including terrorists

as long as they travel with 4 people they can go by car.
And sit in hours of traffic on the 3 streets still open to public vehicles like the rest of us.
Put the paramedics on bicycles! They did it for a year in the park in my neighborhood for treating the people who got hurt mountain biking in the woods. They carry their first-aid kit on the back of the bike and stabalize the person until the ambulance gets there.
... just read in the paper... If the transit strike goes down, all PSAL sports will be cancelled. That's every basketball game, every hockey match, every wrestling match, all practices, all across NYC. That totally blows. How can one state agency be organized so that one union can weild so much power to make people's lives miserable? We want people to be working, and kids to have something to do in their spare time, and it all comes to a halt because workers go on strike.
Give them what they want for fucks sake already, all they want is fuckin health care and to be paid equally with what people make on the LIRR. Is losing hundreds of millions a day and crippling the city worth it? Oh yeah I forget Bloomberg doesn't take the train.
Actually, one of the the first things that I remember when Bloomberg took office is that he takes the subway to work everyday, which is why he was pictures in today's papers purchasing a new bike to take to work....

Edited By The Jays on 1039907805
he works?
Quote:George is so happy you said that.

You have no idea how hard that made me laugh!!! :rofl:

This severly blows.....Im car-less and now this shit ??? This really fucking blows Confuseduicide:
Props to FOX for split-screening the press conference and the Giant game. Exactly the two things I most wanted to watch.
So it's gonna rain, maybe lightly snow for the morning rush tomorrow. Shouldn't hurt the already harried commute.
And public school teachers have no communications network to learn what time they are due at school tomorrow, even though parents were told they could leave there kids at school in the morn even though class won't start till 10.
What a city!!!!
Quote:why I wanna move to the Keys so bad
No strike?
no strike. :thumbs-up:
not yet, anyway.
as i have been saying all along, no strike and aint gonna be one.
mta and twu both have too much to lose if there is a strike. They will figure something out and they will agree to something that fits the transit workers needs as well as the city.
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