Full Version: So a guy walks into a bar...
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Would that include bashing OAS posts? Because I've always liked those
that was beautiful. i can barely type through my tears. now lets get this deal done!
Bastard I was serious in the first part, I do respect dent for what he does..

Your reply made me spit up my sprite though.
OAS is till fair game. but the thread sucks part is gone. lets make this happen. i am serious!
OAS is like a constant in life.

I think something of this caliber needs to be voted upon.
Grant the wish Gonzo
It's in the hands of the people for as I always say, for the members by the members in this democracy.
You don't really believe that, you are trying to foul up this campaign.
this thread really does suck. <<<<---- this variant would also be gone!
I found it amusing as did you prior to your campaign just like a politician skewing the fact to feed your evil lies.
This thread has soiled the good name of the message board....We expect more, we demand more, vote against Dent and help stamp out idiocy
How will silencing one of the few people who start posts make the board better?
We will filter out all the crap and replace it with pure genius threads...Imagine not having to sift through boring threads....Imagine Germany all over again, burn a few people to make a better society...Hitler would endorse Arpi
stop helping me gomez
Quote:stop helping me gomez

:lol: you'd be better off with OAS on your side.
and tells the bartender to give him anything but a Miller. So the bartender gets him a Bud. The guy finishes it, the bartender comes over and the guy says give me anything but a Miller. The bartender returns with another Bud. He nurses it for a while and the bartender comes over.The guys says give me anything but a Miller. The bartender says listen why don't you want a Miller. The guy goes I had 28 Millers and I blew chunks. The bartender says, you drink 28 of anything, you're gonna blow chunks. The guy replies, you don't understand Chunks is my DOG!!! :rofl: :rofl:
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