Full Version: Dent's posting rights Vs. Arpi's Critiques
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you misrepresented the deal gonzo. its not just "this thread sucks". its all variations of it too. people are being mislead!!
now i feel bad
Where is the "Fuck Apri" choice? Let's stop him from starting new topics & see how he fares.

Dent ought not be censored.
if i lose this then i never want to hear any of you bitch again about "this thread sucks". you will have brought it on yourselves. i try to do a good deed you people are gonna blow it!
Gonzo did that on purpose, he is misrepresenting facts, he is trying to confuse the voters
Arpi's hatred will rain down upon us all
It's working pal, you have tied arpi, I am here for you buddy.

Think to yourself how many threads have you started? How many times have you sat there and been afraid to start a thread cause you may get an negative response, has it stopped you? The answer is probably yes for many of you, it never stopped Dent though. He has gone in knowingly that he will probably lose credibility and get bashed but if that brings people some sense of joy in their lives and creates some interest on the board he is willing to sacrafice himself for your benefits.

I am not ashamed to say it but dent is no different than Jesus Christ, in fact he is better than Christ. He has sacraficed his being for you people, yet unlike jesus he didn't ditch you all to leave you with a bunch of unanswered questions and doubts. He has stayed and died for you sins over and over again and is still here.

the book club rocked too!
Quote:if i lose this then i never want to hear any of you bitch again about "this thread sucks". you will have brought it on yourselves. i try to do a good deed you people are gonna blow it!
typical politican, your ultimatum (sp) is unfair to the voters

Gonzo is making excuses, but think about it...Do you want a place where everybody starts any thread just because it crosses their mind? I think not
Yes the book club even when it was being bashed and being sabotaged who still kept on with it? You got it Jesus Dent kept on.
The flood of critique is coming
i magine a world where you never have to see "THIS THREAD SUCKS". imagine a world where the every thought of a dungeon and dragons playing geek isnt posted on the board as a new thread. you can make this world a reality!!!
Quote:imagine a world where the every thought of a dungeon and dragons playing geek isnt posted on the board

Leave Magus outta this, we are talking about Jesus Dent.
2 evils gone for the price of one vote!! such a bargain!
Gomez Loves Europe
Dent isn't even defending himself, he knows what he does is wrong...AHAHAHAHA...WHERE IS YOUR SAVIOR NOW GONZO....HUH...WHERE IS HE NOW...HIDING FROM THE TRUTH
At work?
:rofl: :rofl:
i love the edward g. references!!
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