Full Version: Dent's posting rights Vs. Arpi's Critiques
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Like Nixon & Clinton at the gates of Hell, for eternity.
Quote:.... what if someone went to all the public libraries on Staten Island and used every computer to vote for Dent? If so, then goatweed is your culprit.....

Are you implying I would somehow skew the vote in Dent's favor?

Normally I might consider it but since this is Arpi, I knew he was destined to lose - so there was no need for any rigging :-D

Besides, I haven't been inside a library for at least 10 years - I've forgotten what they look like!
so it was rigged? :clueless:
Wow. :loveya:
this is more a referendum for allowing me to post "this thread sucks" than it is for allowing you to start nerd threads.
bzzzzt wrong :banana:

eww, it's sticky
blame maymay
why did you guys have a morning 'smoke & poke'? :fuggin: :fucking:
you forgot you owned soap?
Or you like it... it reminds you of your special time together?
i dont smoke pot, it makes me dizzy Undecided
:thumbs-up: and the point otherwise is? :banana:
His brain is weak.
it's good for headaches! :bow:
Dent has to be the happiest little boy in the world now.
I'd like to thank my campaign manager, Gonzo, for his support.
I'd like to thank my parents for raising me.
And I'd like to thank Vishnu, without who none of this would be possible.

:bouncer: You like me! You really like me.........better than Arpi. :bouncer: :rofl:
lookin foward to some great threads man :thumbs-up:
Quote:If I did Danked would be a mod right now.
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