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Shouldn't you two young lovers do that?
he has cooties
i'd rather kiss jiboo
:disappointed: i dont wanna kiss you either, but that hurt my feelings
But my dog is too cutie-wootie not to kissy-wissy!!!
its mouth is cleaner than amy's too :lol:
thats just scary, im glad you only said that online.
I am not ashamed. I'll talk to you the same way on Sunday at the thing we're not really doing.
[Image: icon11.gif]
:banana: i cant wait
I'm gonna take my fisty-wisty and punch Hybrid in his fat facey-wacey cause I hate him so much.
i'm not going
no ones begging you to come
mind your business
Please come. I beg of you....

so that I can kill you.
i'm the one that's mad at you. you and your stoner rage always looking for a fight.
:disappointed: why is hybrid always so mean to me :-(
shut up bitch
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