Full Version: psssst! - havent done one of these in a while...
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hope everyone has a great day!

i finally will, my last final is at 11:35.
WOO HOO! no more school for me!
so now i have a month to sit on my arse.

so remember, SMILE and try and have a great day! :banana:
it's 9:16 :lookatme:
you can tell time! im proud!
now it's 9:20 :thumbs-up:
ah school.. i remember those days.. spring break, winter vacation, summer vacation... all those disappear when you start working.. so my advice to you is....

Thank you. This has been a public service anoucement brought to you by Ronin, your favorite neighborhood mercenary.
i like cheese! :banana:
I'm done with totally done. I am gradumacated :toast: I should get my little diploma in a couple of months!!

Oh yes, and its 9:33
The previous poster sucks.
Quote:The previous poster sucks.
you were the first person to ever post this! you are a comedic genius! Rolleyes
nice to see you back

my day started weird, I got pulled over for "driving on the shoulder"
& I couldn't find my registration :disappointed:
but the cop was so nice & let me go
(no tickets on my license either)
my windows need to be cleaned Undecided
car or house?
house. really just one room.
what did you do to them, to make them so dirty?
Good morning...I'm having an odd day already...on the bus I realized I forgot to put on deodorant and had to go to Duane Reade before going to work. They didn't have my smell so now my arm pits smell so different.
I'm doing nothing today, except going to the movies :banana:
Is it like you're cheating on yourself? :crackhead:
ring-a-ling-a-ling it's got that thing!
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