Full Version: There's something wrong with our Christmas tree...
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I accidentally ate four slices of pizza....I think I'm going to explode.
::kicks danked::

uh oh
he lives!
I mean..... ......................................................................
Quote:I accidentally ate four slices of pizza
were you looking up, and they all fell out of a window and into your mouth? how the fuck do you accidently eat multiple slices of pizza?
christmas just isn't the same without that tree smell, stepping on the needles in bare feet and the continuous risk of burning the place down. of course i have no decorations this year :disappointed:
:Confusedtarts kicking repeatedly::
::hits over head with lamp::

[Image: icon11.gif]
hybrid you leave him alone or else
::pushed trish over dankeds fallen body::
You did it now
if he's dead, you should get him outta here - his rotting corpse is gonna stink up the joint soon.
HYBRID.....YOU MURDERER !!!! Confuseduicide:
......but....not..... dead...... hos....pi...tal...............
Phish is proud of you and your purchase.
theres still a chance ??? :poke:
wait - why isn't he dead?
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