Full Version: There's something wrong with our Christmas tree...
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Quote:you'd be dead - the ultimate high!

Quiet Leary
Like a dirty hippie in a teddy.
OK, you're safe. I prefer my hippies clean.
[Image: icon16.gif][Image: icon16.gif][Image: icon16.gif][Image: icon16.gif][Image: icon16.gif]

Edited By The Sleeper on 1040270568
can't even copy code right :disappointed:
Someone take that away from Sleeper before he breaks it
:trust no one!:
Like anyone trusts you

Edited By LyricalGomez on 1040270906
Quote:Quiet Leary

good catch ;-)
I see and catch all
I think it should be called :danked:.
we don't have a tree yet
last year it sat bare for maybe a week, before my mom finally decorated it a few days before Christmas
I'm gonna do it this year :bouncer:
if we smoke him....wont we see his in HOW HIGH??? :fuggin:
I started trimming needles off of it this morning and scattering them throughout the living room. Let's see if they notice.
what amazes me is that, I would almost expect a tree hugger like Danked to be happy that no real trees were harmed in the making of his holiday festivities... buck up li'l hippie :thumbs-up:
Fuck that. It's Christmas! :angry:
He has sex with tree holes.
Dirty hippy!
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