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Today, 7 proposals for rebuilding the WTC site were unveiled. They are much more imaginative than the last set of proposals, and yet some people interviewed think it is too soon.
Here are is the link to the story and to the proposals
New WTC Plans Unveiled (at CBS news)

No proposal can satisfy everyone, but I think we need to start moving forward, both for the city's psyche and economy.

see the presentations

i saw a little bit of this on the news this morning, but i haven't really had time to look at them yet, a couple look pretty stupid, at first glance. i think 4 of them propose building the tallest building in the world.
woah, freaky dude. lemme see if i can work some of that mod magic
Quote:lemme see if i can work some of that mod magic
give yourself a raise; that was quick stuff......

one thing - the "Think" team proposals are all part of the same design; there is a total of 7 designs

here is another link to the LDMC site: Lower Manhattan Development Corp - view 7 new designs

Edited By PeterDragon on 1040272051
i don't really like any of them
.... Thus far, I enjoy Daniel Libeskind's design. Along with a memorial, it includes a musuem (can't have a Libeskind design without one), and the world's tallest building that would house what her calls the "Gardens of the World". What I like is that he developed the site so that between the 8:46 am and 10:28 am on every September 11th, sunlight would shine without shadow upon the area of the memorial. I felt that Libeskind was the guy who could pull off a good design for the site, and unless I see something in one of the other designs after frther study, I think his is the one that should be developed. The designs are gonna be on display at the Winter Garden starting this Friday, and I'll be heading there a lil bit after Christmas with one of my architecture buddies so that we can check them out up close.
... oh , and check out the site for the Lower Manhattann Development Corp. LMDC
i still think they should build a huge water park with a sept 11th theme.
... would it be indoors or outdoors?
both! one slide would actually do both. it would simulate the jumpers. great fun for the whole family and educational.
... it still has time to be implemented... and it can start at the top of Libeskind's tower... or it could use Meier's reflection pools as a splash down area...
good thinking!
... that's why I'm in architecture.... :-D
those are some gay looking buildings
Eh, I think they pretty much... all suck. They're finally getting the right idea - something BIG - but holy fuck, is this a building or a fuckin piece of modern art in a park? Some of those things are downright hideous.

I *STILL* think this is the best fuckin design concept yet. They even came up with two new concepts, both taller than the first, and the top is a bit different. Unfortunately, I don't think anyone is taking them seriously...
How many sets of presentations are they going to give? I thought that they did this months ago?
... FTL, that is the worst design I've seen yet...something big is not the right idea.... something innovative in its solution, and something that provides a proper memorial space.... if you think of the building as simply something that you will have to see everyday, then it might as well be a piece of art... but there is no reason for this to be a simple building.....
Make it a landing strip.
it should be a giant bottle of chocolate wait..yoo hoo...or kiwi snapple...ahhhh i can't decide!!
Build a string of piloting schools for middle eastern immigrants there.
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