Christmas and all of its fans can go suck an egg!! FUCK CHRISTMAS!!!
i was waiting for Dent to start this topic...
dude, im getting a christmas is cool. plus there is no school. so i get to stay home and play new games on my dell. i like christmas and the fine folks at Dell. :-)
i'm not having christmas this year, so fuckit
can you play your cky dvds on your new dell?
I don't even have a tree yet.
Trees don't grow in the ghetto.
I like Christmas, I just hate the cold weather that comes with it.
I hate uppity jews, too - go light a Menorah.
I like christmas cause it makes me laugh at how you all celebrate a kikes 'birthday'.
It's not santas birthday YOU people celebrate you uneducated bastard, I bet if he had a pussy you'd have done some research.
when the Hell is Santa's birthday?
yea it's Rudolph's birthday, duh
i think it's in september, maybe october or november, some time in the fall anyway...
we should celebrate Santa's birthday, and send HIM gifts every year.
Santa stole your airbags.
Rudolph was coked up and his nose was runny so he needed some airbags just incase. Santa hates eminem so he broke your cd's as well.