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Pages: 1 2 3 4 5
Holy shit, I never noticed how many smilies there are to choose from.

:-) :-( :-D :-p ;-) Undecided :-o :angry: Rolleyes :thumbs-up: :clueless: :loveya: Confusedneak: :lol: :crackhead: :lookatme: :moonie: :burnfucker: :bow: :disappointed: :bouncer: Confusedmokey: :firebounce: :banana: :fart: :fuckoff: :poke: Confuseduicide: :toast: :fuggin: :blow: :rofl: :fucking:
[Image: aktion078.gif]
<marquee> :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: :bouncer: </marquee>
Gomez is in the lead.
<div align="center">[Image: party052.gif][Image: party038.gif][Image: party052.gif]</div>
<div align="center">[Image: waffen098.gif]</div>
Way in the lead.
HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!

quit it guys....puh-lease quit it!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
<table style=filter:flipV>:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:</table>
[Image: sport023.gif]
<marquee behavior=scroll direction="left" scrollamount="50">[Image: iroc-red.gif]</marquee>
<marquee behavior=scroll direction="left" scrollamount="7">[Image: iroc-cop.gif]</marquee>
[Image: feiertag013.gif]
[Image: waffen097.gif]
[Image: bigoh.gif]
<marquee behavior=scroll direction="down">[Image: Tomcat.gif]</marquee>
[Image: kackepieksen.gif]
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