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(It's time for Sloatsburgh to prove how he can't produce an original idea and post a message about lunch. That and Seph is a smelly gook.)

I'm hungry and here are the choices:
Pizza (in CT, not NYC)
Rueben at a diner
Over-priced fish fry
Burger King
Way overpriced trendy soup place
Shitty cafe lunch special
2lb chocolate bar from client with nothing to drink because all I have left is $20s
Chicken Parm/Meatball sandwich from said pizza place
Possibly some oriental food.
Icee's from local Walmart (and their hotdogs)
Sandwich shoppe

What would you choose?
Quote:That and Seph is a smelly gook
this is so last year! Rolleyes
I good try to revitalize Shelle Bink jokes?
Quote:It's time for Sloatsburgh to prove how he can't produce an original idea and post a message about lunch.
It was original until all the copy cat threads. :-(
someone wake up Sloatsburgh! i think Dent hacked his account
Well, damnit. I'm fucking hungry, my stomache is acidic, I need some ideas. Don't allow me to eat egg salad and bacon on a kaiser roll.
i think that you should have the pizza, but go to jersey for it, not ct
or perhaps a cheeseburger from walmart with a soda, not an icee

oh, but pick up a dictionary too, cause its shop, not shoppe
Place I went to was called "Sandwich Shoppe".

Warm Roast beef, swiss, BBQ, & lettuce. Tastes like an elementary school taco.
Quote:Tastes like an elementary school taco.
That's Alkey's line.
Is it 4:20? :fuggin:
Quote:Is it 4:20?
It is in the middle of the Atlantic ocean. :fuggin:
OK, then I'm smokin for the ocean!!!! Confusedmokey:
i dont know who you are Suzie but i want to fuck you! dont know why, just got a hunch that you are the fuck of death!
Oh dear.
Quote:you are the fuck of death!
does that mean you have a death wish?
Quote:does that mean you have a death wish?
only if its you fucking me to death. YEEHAW!!!! :thumbs-up:
oh no.. A Zombie just walked through my door.. somebody kill it.
Oh, I get it. I get jokes.

I have a hard on.
you are a hard-on
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