You've seen them at your neighborhood punk concert. They are the perfectly affected, pierced, dyed in flourescent hot pink or whatever the color
not du jour is (mainstream is evil). The question is posed. Can punk chicks be hot? I say yes. Are they hot in spite of their punk accutriments or because of them? Are they trying too hard? I deliver you exhibit A of hot punk chickness:
Now i'd fuck the angst out of her pretty little ass. I'm sure said hot punk chicks would take offense to this thread. Not because i'm objectifying them, but because they want to own their objectification. Its part of the whole riot grrrrrl credo. They embrace their sexuality, but its theirs, and they will kick your ass if you try to pimp it off them.
So, what do you think of punk chicks?
...a hot chick is a hot chick.
but would you say hot punk chicks are harder to find than say, hot chicks of another species?
no. go to any pop punk show. emo chicks are hoooooooot.
im not sure if you consider "at the drive in" emo, but most of the chicks there were too weird. i mean sure there were a few hot punk chicks but on the majority they were just trying way too hard.
the really hot punk chicks i notice are head and shoulders hotter than most so called "mainstream" girls cause they are hot plus they have that "Damn the man" attitude that is endearing.
ummm all depends who decides to go to the concert that night...ive seen alot of hot chicks at shows. alot.
... all the punk chicks I've encountered were quick to judge..... and I didnt like that.... so, while I would fuck a punk chick, I would never had the chance......
hot punk chicks are even hotter because they add a touch of bad girl to the mix
punk chicks are hot with about the same percentage of the time as any other chicks are hot.
but i found that the hot punk girls are REALLY hot.
there is definetly a higher percentage of hot girls at shows then in general. so yes! and pink hair rules.
some punk chicks can be really hot. others, are just nasty. but doesn't that just go with the whole population?
though i guess there are some guys who hate all the tattoos & fucked up hair color & make-up. those guys are too uptight & need to loosen up. big time.
Come talk to me in ten years about your tats and piercings.....
hot chick = hot
hot punk chick = hotter
No fair, she's got breasts. In plain sight too. And look at those nips. I can't help but be biased! The tats are a bit of a turn off, but they can only go so far.
BTW, yes, now that the fall semester is gone, I'm back.
I'll answer this question after exhibit B.
Quote:... all the punk chicks I've encountered were quick to judge.....
as in they wouldn't give you a chance? ..... they have a busy schedule, state you name, state your business and move along
Quote:Come talk to me in ten years about your tats and piercings.....
I'll love them when I'm 64
Exhibit B:
Now I would say this one is not quite as hot as the first. Some punk grrrrrrls don't shave.....
![[Image: deborah28.jpg]](
All REAL punk chicks are hot.
Sum 41 is not punk. Therefore, the girls that go to shows like that are not real punk either.
Kids now adays have no idea what punk is. They hear the Ramones, or Sex Pistols, and think it's about the music. It was never about the music, until the record companies and kids made it that way.
Half these girls that are labeled as having a punk style have never done anything for themselves ever.