Full Version: THREES!!! - Do you remember the rules to this game??
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The post about numbers got me thinking about this one drinking game that was popular in the early 90s. It was so popular that it was featured on 21 Jump Street with a battle between a kid from MIT and some other school with the numbers in the 20 thousands. The rules are simple, but I forgot the third rule:

You say the next number

You skip any number with a three in it or divisable by a three
You skip any number divisable by an eleven
Finally, there is a rule about sevens. Skip for either a number with a seven in it or divisable. I forgot. I need to know.

For Example, first 5 numbers would be:
1, 2, 4, 5, 8
12 billion
Consume, DGW

16 (not clear on the 7 rule.... going with divisable)
19, 20

Someone can't read. Rolleyes

Quote:You skip any number divisable by an eleven
11 wins anyway.

math games suck.
i bet dent would love this thread!
don't know about you but i look at it as a win
:fuckoff: :toast:
I don't know about Dent.... one would be forced to drink on a 42. 42 is divisable by 3 and 7.
is it really?!?!?!
even though they weren't posted
rulez are rulez
when someone breax the chain yah start over
Well, it's Damn hard to find the rules of this game. I keep on getting three-man in my searches.

Doesn't anyone remember 21 Jump Street!?!?!?
Yes....I remember 21 Jump Street.

But never saw that episode.
Remember that time on 21 Jump Street where the cops dressed up as teenagers and infiltrated the school looking for drug dealers?
I remember Peter Deluise <sp?> being thin on that show.
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