Full Version: its time to vote people!!!!
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Quote:you traitorous.......... ugh! i am so angry right now!

Hey! I'm still emotionally scarred from the last time....dammit! :-(
you are dead to me
Undecided :-(
<span style='font-size:57pt;line-height:100%'>MOD ME!!!</span>
Let me save someone the trouble

it is a false modding . they are trying to fool the my supporters into submission with this false status. dont be fooled!!!!!

so you're saying they have chocolate milk now?
I hang my head in shame
i wish we could have one vote where Gonzo doesnt fix the results Undecided
i have 6 fucking votes!!!!!
everybody hates me yet i have 6 fucking votes!!!
MOD ME!!!!!
in the old days when th eold sleeper roamed the earth and the people here had balls and craved excitement, this would never have been an issue. i would have been modded already. dont fear it. i was a good mod and can be again. i just want it so i can finish the last chapter of my rags-to riches story. plus it would be so much fun around here if it happened. jesus! we used to crave mayhem. what happened to you people.
plus lets get rid of the hippy Doors fans!!!!
a vote for me is a vote for free marijuana!!
Quote:rags-to riches story

You were never in rags.
Quote:a vote for me is a vote for free marijuana!!
ok.... i voted for you... where's my weed??? :fuggin:
what's wrong with the Doors? :banana:
it's wrong
um .. what's wrong?
oh don't start that here too! :angry:

I promised Luna I'd be nice to the new ... person :moonie:
Quote:a vote for me is a vote for free marijuana!!

And how much does this marijuana cost?
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