01-02-2003, 05:44 PM
I played this game last night: A word in chosen and you have 30 seconds to come up with a song that has that word in it (and at least 7 other words that surround it). Opposing teams go back and forth until no one else can come up with a song. It's annoying as Hell because now I am noticing songs that have "Where" in it.
The Game: Find a song (type the lyrics) with the word the previous poster left, then leave a word for the next poster:
For Example:
Red Hot mama, velvet charmer time to pay your dues (Hair of the Dog, Nazareth)
The Game: Find a song (type the lyrics) with the word the previous poster left, then leave a word for the next poster:
For Example:
Red Hot mama, velvet charmer time to pay your dues (Hair of the Dog, Nazareth)