Okay, so its a pretty boring show. Kidman/guerrero was good. Nice haircut deek. The team angle match had some good points too. But the most disturbing thing was the wedding ceremony. Not when dawn stripped, god she looked hot. It was when they stripped the old guy down and when he was sporting major wood. His underwear was sticking straight out. What the F is going on. The only funny thing was hearing tazz yell, for the camera to stop shooting him and saying that he better calm down or he'll take someones eye out.
What is the wwe doing, showing a 60 year old man in underwear pitching a tent?
I don't think he was pitching a tent, that fuckers hung... not that I looke.. yeah i did.
That show fucking sucked. If it wasn't for Angle that could have been worse than the Anna Nicole Smith show as the worst show on television. Al is hung like a racehorse though. :rofl:
Japanese wrestling doesn't have old men pretending to get married in their underwear.
It does have facepunching though. Lots of it.
The WWE has been pretty good with weddings. Last nights was god awful.
Test and Stephanie where HHH comes out and says he married Stephanie when she was passed out.
Stephanie and HHH where HHH destroys the ring, pedigrees Vince and shoves Stephanie down exposing her nipple for the internet community to see.
The Gay wedding that went 3 minutes too long where Eric Bischoff was the minister.
What the fuck happened last night. Who wasn't hoping for like a returning Rhyno where he he would gore Dawn Marie and Al WIlson or anything to stop that travesty.
And John Cena, Bling Bling and Rikishi dominated the first hour. I hate the new hair style of Eddie Guerrero. They were great heels, now I guess they are fan favorites because John Vanilla Eminem Cena is the heel.
I didn't waste my fuckin time with Smackdown last night, but my friend did call me to say that there was a NATHAN JONES teaser. Shit, if Jones showed up, I'd watch WWE a Hell of a lot more. Well, if they introduce and use him the right way, which they are not likely to do. But the guy is a fucking monster...
I think they just showed his arm and said Nathan Jones is coming and you heard him say something. Also the Dead Man, Undertaker's old gimmick is back and he comes back at the Royal Rumble.
I thought Al WIlson was wearing diapers instead of tightie whities. Angle and Team Angle rule.
Also Big show is facing Brock lesnar in a match at the rumble to see who gets to enter the Royal rumble match.
I did a google search on nathan jones because I never saw him.
But what I was amazed was I found this of the vanilla ice wannabe himself John Cena. He almost makes Steiner look normal.
![[Image: prototype.jpg]](http://www.upw.com/uu/images/prototype.jpg)
The only time I ever saw Jones was on a WWA PPV. The dude is 7', maybe a little over, young guy I think, and just fuckin BIG without being fat (see: Show). And... he can even wrestle! I dunno, I thought he was pretty impressive.
Quote:The WWE has been pretty good with weddings.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
and is the audience suppose to take cena's character seriously, or are they doing this to get him stupid whack rapper heat?
I have liked all the wedding so far, except yesterday.
![[Image: stephfall2.jpg]](http://www.impactwrestlingonline.com/steph/stephfall2.jpg)
you also get confused by choose your own adventure stories, so thats not saying much
They will use Nathan Jones right away, the guy can wrestle, the guy is tall, and he acctually cuts very good promos, his accent only makes them even funnier. If handled right Jones could easily achieve Angle and Brock like success in a short amount of time......But what really got me hyped was the Undertaker promo they showed, playing the old music and the old clips.
Can you just imagine the response if that gong sounded at the Royal Rumble? Taker comes out as the old dead man, only to retire at WM, that would be fucking sweet (and yes I realise that my view is very, very skewed because I am probablly the biggest Taker mark out there)
Undertaker = good.
Underbiker = awful.
If he does come out as the old deadman I think it's as clear a sign as any that he will retire in the very near future.
It's about time too, I still mark for him but he really does need to retire. What I can see happening is him interfering in the Brock Big Slow contest.
Speaking of which, that chairshot Brock took was fucking evil. The guy will take abuse, I still remember the double chairshot he took without throwing up his hands to absorb the impact.