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I hope Casey likes these roses I bought her...
Quote:im not a woman

Alkey has offically made you one.
Quote:I hope Casey likes these roses I bought her...
Casey's a boy, Alkey....oh wait a minute...I'm talking to Alkey here....nevermind. Carry on.
No, casey is now a girl.
i can see alkey has already peed and marked his territory
casey post n00dz
Quote:puddle of mudd d00d

that's metal? :lol:
OMG ive joined a gay dating board. i guess this is WHY u have :moonie: that smile
alkey betta keep his bitch in line
u aint ever heard of girl power?
Quote:girl power

Yeah I suppose you also believe in a womans right to choose and vote, hahahaha.
Quote:Yeah I suppose you also believe in a womans right to choose and vote, hahahaha.

noway a womans place is in the bedroom
I like her, wanna tag her alkey?
I think she's finally grown to learn her place.
So, ah...Casey....what do you think?
Woman have you learned nothing!!!!!!

She has no right to think. don't be corrupting what we worked hard to achieve!!!!!
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