Full Version: All hippy doors fans check in! - for delousing and tattooing
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Quote:Well we are but you see how mean splatski can be. That makes up for it I think..

I beg your pardon. I'm a ray of pink sunshine.
Quote:Well we are but you see how mean splatski can be.
mean? where? we have a special fondness for basmts :burnfucker:

oh, I was in, but I changed the e-mail, and now I'm out again :crackhead:
Told you.
you've been screen by Gonzo, you're .... ok, I guess

where are you from?
Thank you. I'm in Michigan but I'll be heading to California a week from Thursday. :bouncer:
do you work?
Yeah. Until I leave I'm an admissions counselor at a university. BWAHAHAHAAAAAAA :burnfucker:

After that, I'll be recovering from this lifestyle.
What University? I'm in Michigan myself.
University of.
Holy shit. I've got two skulls.
O great Mother of God. I'm a Drunken Fuck too. :bouncer:
:thumbs-up: good little post whore
I deserve some sort of gratification for this surely. Garcon.
:bow: @splat
:fuggin: *pours*
*sips* :fuggin: and *tokes*
I wish I was stoned rightnow. Confusedmokey:
go SPARTANS!!!!!! :burnfucker:
do you think we could get them some sort of little star to wear, so we can point them out :burnfucker:
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