Full Version: Ken is a sleaze - ken
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SNAKEY MY LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ken has drove me crazy by driving others crazy.. I still like him though.
I do have a thing for Ken. :fuggin:
Quote:I do have a thing for Ken

that's cute.. ;-)
Quote:ken has drove me crazy by driving others crazy
that's his schtick. he hates me!
Where is Ken Spurrier hiding anyways?
i still miss my ken pms
Is Ken ever coming back? Or do i have to go over there now?
He came back here ... You are welcome to the doors though.
this is a much better Ken thread.....

Oh Ladi,
if you go there,
or if she comes here,

look for a girl named Chrystalship,

you are soul sisters.
why do you say that?
cause she has a sense of humor akin to yours,

think shit throwing short bus resident.

I dunno.
every time I read a post of hers,
I was expecting to see a Betty Paige sig pic.
What up Ken? Different board same results, no?
on that board the slogan KMMW reigned supreme

(Ken Makes Me Wet)

I had a harem...

I was the top of the male food chain,

till a vicious shrew....
(think female OAS) started an anti Ken Propoganda drive,

but really just a slight bump in the road,

I sold dozens of KMMW tshirts,
and rumors of tattoos abound.
Hmmmm...I've heard about these online t-shirt scandals before. Always trying to make the quick buck off of the naive.

If OAS is father time....would a female OAS be Mother Earth???

I guess that means a serious decline in your lunch dates though, huh? If this shrew gets her way, you'll need that t-shirt money for pending legal services :lol:
she's too late,

it's all going on paternity suits.
bought many shirts ;- )
Where's sloat's puker.
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