Quote:It's more like a business arrangement. I suck his dick and he gives me links to pornographic photos of female board members. I consider it a fair exchange.
You'd owe me anal then.
Quote:Get over it? You didn't ask my permission to post those pictures.
Do you understand where I'm coming from?
no. it was a pair of shorts. you are being a drama queen.
![[Image: luna%20jeans.jpg]](http://www.arpikarhu1.netfirms.com/luna%20jeans.jpg)
Nice jeans, what are those sergios?
dont comment on them. luna feels that they are a major invasion of her privacy. you can tell so much about her body, home, lifestyle, and love life by those shorts.

While I don't see the big deal about that particular picture, I can see Luna's point. If it's not your picture, and you're not the person in it, you have no right to post it in a public place.
how do you know thats not me? see you dont. the only reason you do is because she got all drama queen about it. and i got it off a public place. if she didnt want it seen , she wouldnt have posted it. i didnt post he whole picture out of respect for her, i only posted that little bit as a joke. nobody got hurt, nothing got shown. this is drama for the sake of drama.
How do you know they are shorts, I can't tell.
Point taken, Arpi. You're right, there's no way to tell who is in the picture, and I didn't know you got it from a public place. I guess, if you post a picture, you take a chance. The flip side, I would say, would be if someone sent you a picture and you posted it without their permission.
she didnt send it to me, i took it off the board where she posted it. i also severly cropped it before reposting it. i did not include the exposed boobs or surrounding room
I'm still confuzzled as to what happened.
Wow, wayyyyyy too much info, Arpi.
just trying to make my point. she is being a drama queen. and its not like you all havent seen these pics. they were posted on this board.
I never saw it, nor do I feel the need to. I have to say I find it a bit creepy that you would save it for later use, though.
i jack off to it every night.

i save everything for later use. it always comes in handy.
Quote:i did not include the exposed boobs
Damn you to Hell!
Quote:i jack off to it every night
Quote:comes in handy
Sorry, that cracked me up. :rofl:
Still creepy though.
you are as relentless as the wind
First of all, they are jeans, not shorts, but, you posted 2 pics.
Yes. I do agree with you. It could have been alot worse,but, what I don't understand is in the past you have asked me if it would be ok if you posted one of my pics and what did I say? I said yes, didn't I? Couldn't you have done the same thing this time? The other thing that got me was I pmed you about it right away and you shut off your aim and you left the board without answering.
As for me putting my pics out there, I was aware of that risk when I did it. Is it biting me in the ass right now? It sure is, but, I guess we all have our lessons to learn, don't we?
And as for being a drama queen, I hardly think so. I am trying to speak to you as an adult and you are responding like a 5 year old. Shit! I'm only about a week or 2 older than you.