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Pages: 1 2
Quote:ISIS first language is not English.

We don't make excuses here.

No one is a victim, no one is given quarter.

Either you produce, or you're fucked.
I claim this board for the Doors. *plants flag*
nice touch :moonie:
Thanks, gorgeous.

rainbow flag?? nazi flag?? fascist?
Summation, Maynard: "I hate you. You suck. The Doors rule".
Quote:Summation, Maynard: "I hate you. You suck. The Doors rule".
minus the doors this is usually what we say to maynard
Why's that?
I agree with Arpi.

Black is white, right is left, Up is down. The whole world is chaos.

No, wait. The doors still suck.
he has an odor problem
I hate him too. I have very sensitive olfactory lobes.
Arpi, you are a fucking jack ass.

You kiss my fuckin nutsack every time we go out, and make shit up on here.

Go have a stroke.
:rofl: this is fun
Quote:You kiss my fuckin nutsack every time we go out
its the only part that doesnt smell.
Pages: 1 2