I was in shock that they defiled Vinnie Mac senior's picture with the spray painting of the nWo last night. I got douche chills seeing that. It kind of reminded me of Steph telling Freddie Blassie he was going to die. No real point here, just something that got to me a bit last night!
i get a feeling Vince would piss on that picture himself if it would up the ratings.
Vinnie would ass fuck his son in a tub of jello for ratings.
eh, i didnt have too much of a problem with that last night. Im sure he would use the picture of his father to wipe his ass with if he had to.
Quote:Vinnie would ass fuck his son in a tub of jello for ratings
didn't they do that already? :lol:
Vince would gawk at his own daughter's cleavage for ratings.
oh yeah that happened.
Vince would drop someone from a ceiling and kill them, then blame it on 'faulty wiring'. Then he'd let the show go on afterwards and do a 'tribute' show the next day. Run segments of crocodile teared actors who never gave two shits about the dead wrestler, have them praise him like he was a God. Then top off the show by having the man who despised him the most come out and toast him with a sad face while he was secretly rejoicing his death in his mind. Then Vince would refuse to pay the family and have them take him to court to make himself look like an even bigger scumbag.
But Vince would never do that, you'd have better luck of seening Droz get a hard-on.
Banger.....nice avatar :fuggin:
I don't know, I kinda liked the sadistic Stephanie last night...she seems to be taking crazed look lessons from Vinnie Mac....that voice still makes my dick shrink though :

GonzoStyle Wrote:Vince would drop someone from a ceiling and kill them, then blame it on 'faulty wiring'. Then he'd let the show go on afterwards and do a 'tribute' show the next day. Run segments of crocodile teared actors who never gave two shits about the dead wrestler, have them praise him like he was a God. Then top off the show by having the man who despised him the most come out and toast him with a sad face while he was secretly rejoicing his death in his mind. Then Vince would refuse to pay the family and have them take him to court to make himself look like an even bigger scumbag.
But Vince would never do that, you'd have better luck of seening Droz get a hard-on.
Thats a litte much.
Metalfan Wrote:I don't know, I kinda liked the sadistic Stephanie last night...she seems to be taking crazed look lessons from Vinnie Mac....that voice still makes my dick shrink though :
Is it just me, or was Steph's acting job last night the worst she has ever done (which says a lot)? I could possibly buy into the "sadastic Stephanie" thing if it came off as somewhat believable, but she's just so goddamn awful that I can't buy into the character, thus then I can't buy into the storyline, thus then I can't buy into the product. You can look back as far as the whole HHH/Steph/Angle love triangle to see that all that matters is getting Trips and Steph in the spotlight and keeping them there, and the storyline continuity and overall product suffers as a result. You'd think that with the NWO invasion starting on Sunday, they would want to push that in the forefront and keep the breakup crap on hold for a while. But that would require the writers to get their heads out of their asses for a minute or two. One thing's for certain, though, things are about to get very interesting...
Francine Banger Wrote:GonzoStyle Wrote:Vince would drop someone from a ceiling and kill them, then blame it on 'faulty wiring'. Then he'd let the show go on afterwards and do a 'tribute' show the next day. Run segments of crocodile teared actors who never gave two shits about the dead wrestler, have them praise him like he was a God. Then top off the show by having the man who despised him the most come out and toast him with a sad face while he was secretly rejoicing his death in his mind. Then Vince would refuse to pay the family and have them take him to court to make himself look like an even bigger scumbag.
But Vince would never do that, you'd have better luck of seening Droz get a hard-on.
Thats a litte much.
Nah Vince has a heart of gold.
It's not like he'd take someone he locked into a 20 year contract cause he was his best and biggest player. Then screw him over in his own home town by making the ref fast count and take his title away from him. Then have a midget come out and ridicule everything his legacy stood for.
GonzoStyle Wrote:It's not like he'd take someone he locked into a 20 year contract cause he was his best and biggest player. Then screw him over in his own home town by making the ref fast count and take his title away from him. Then have a midget come out and ridicule everything his legacy stood for.
That I agree with you on.
Finally Francine and I agree, does that mean I can make you mine?