Full Version: ..A be nice to Ken thread - sick of all the mean ones...
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Just cuz she's short is no reason to be mean.
who's being mean?
I was talking about your dick.
the "little fella" should not be refered to as "she"

Just when I thought it was safe... :crackhead:
Quote:Sorry Ken has been adopted by us long time ago, you've lost him, he's OURS you hear me

Stop doing whatever you are doing and be quiet... hear that silence? Thats how many people here are clamoring for his return.

Quote:wanna have lunch?

I will pay too......
If you take more of it than Cunt-Twat did

How much did she take? Oh yeah stop what your doing and be quiet again, hear that big nothing?
has the pendulum swung already Gonzo?
good morning kendoll...
i blame Ken for the downfall of mankind

or the eventual downfall

Edited By DGW on 1041950199
i c
Ken is a funny dude in that he asks for the abuse and laughs about it. Nothing seems to bug him! All those insults, and still he goes on and on --- energizer bunny?
Quote:Ken is a funny dude in that he asks for the abuse and laughs about it. Nothing seems to bug him! All those insults, and still he goes on and on --- energizer bunny?
dont you have daffodils to pick or whales to save?
I agree with you there Chuck...
This thread surely would have sucked without that tidbit of information right there
I bask in the glow of my love.
tables turned?
soundz like someone might ask Ken to lunch
ken has been very entertaining ....
I should follow Gomez and Arpi around to agrivate them from my presence. Doors brochure anyone?
Quote:I should follow Gomez and Arpi around to agrivate them from my presence. Doors brochure anyone?
i will follow you around with a dictionary to help your spelling and crush your skull with.
aggravate ...I sincerely apologize for my spelling Arpi and promise to spell check all my posts from now on. I so want to be your friend and maybe by working a little harder on the spelling issue, it will allow us to live in harmony on the same board. Again, I regretfully apologize for the error. Looks up regretfully....yup that's fine. Whew!

Damn, I spelled maybe wrong...edited it. Sorry again.

Nope I think I was Arpi. Help!

Edited By Chuck Wagon on 1041967100
Pages: 1 2 3