Full Version: I admit it - Im stupid
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Quote:you suck pretty vagina?

i thought you were gay?
You're a guy???? But...but.....your was so....perfect. :-(
shhh! dont tell. ;-)
Can I at least tell them how sweet it tasted?
VG can't work the mod buttons.

They're just there for decoration.
hey alkey....
no, VG. Everyone loves you.
I fear something bad is about to happen.
are you all swingers?
no, they dont.
I loved her ever since she started touching me.
i said, hey alkey....
Quote:are you all swingers?
isn't that why you're only sending chicks over? don't you have any men of your own, over there?
Hey, hunny!
be nice before i do something bad with my oh so decorative buttons.

*touch touch*
They look beautiful on you, baby!

Rolleyes beer gogglez
don't throw a hissy fit yah mary
The manly men can't be bothered.
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