Full Version: Whatzup with the rivalry - Doors/CDIH
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sweet gomez!!!!!
Gomez he probably would be saying that.. keep the pictures coming please.

Quote:Gomez he probably would be saying that.. keep the pictures coming please.
i smell photoshop contest
Quote:[Image: jimdead.jpg]

Apri this is what I was referring to. The caption in the picture that gomez posted. Do you understand now?
[Image: morrisonenvy.jpg]
This board is hilarious. You keep saying how tired you are from hippies and Doors, yet you keep posting in those topics. I'm just messing around with topics that seem to ignite you guys. It's hilarious to see. Never thought the word Doors would provoke such anger. Weird! You must not have many doors in your homes seeing how much you dislike the word. May I suggest beads.

OK enough of that, serentity now, serentity now! ;-)

Quote:Never thought the word Doors would provoke such anger

I don't think it's the Doors so much as it is you guys that are "provoking such anger" Rolleyes
Quote:Weird! You must not have many doors in your homes seeing how much you dislike the word. May I suggest beads.
exhibit one for why you are such a dink!
Isn't it exhibit A?
Damn!! i always fuck that up!
me provoke anger hmmm. Did I say I hate you or call you an idiot in my intial post? hmmm? Can't believe mentioning the 2 boards would have such consequences. Lighten up fartbreath. And I say that jokingly - don't want to provoke anger ya know!
But what if there is 27 exhibits?
you are provoking laughter and joy over here.
A1, like the sauce
Quote:me provoke anger hmmm

not really - hence the usage of " "

Quote:Lighten up fartbreath

First grader put-downs are ALWAYS funny - way to state your case :thumbs-up:
Fartbreath! :banana:
Yes it seems to be the only way to talk to some children. Hence Fartbreath!

That "fuck soup" pic has my attention right now....
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