Full Version: Whatzup with the rivalry - Doors/CDIH
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This is the end
Beautiful friend
This is the end
My only friend, the end
you leaving? :clueless:
i think i agree with you this time. ugh
Hybrid, how can I leave if I'm not even here? ;-)

Actually, I was trying to be funny by posting ominous(sp?) doors lyrics in this thread. So, maybe you don't agree with me, arpi.
my bad
They always say they are leaving, but they come back. Hey Kid long time no see, what's up?
I like Arpi more and more these days. I never thought i'd say that.
I hate you all.

Not you, Gonzo.
splatter is the only one worth keeping
Nice to see you Chuck, im still not sure who you are at the doors, but good that more are choosing to come here, im serious
I always say i will be back..
thank you hybrid *bows* I hate your fucking guts more Apri.
I cant get over the fact the people actually still listen to the doors.
I've won Arpi's heart.
The title needs to be changed

It's hatred, not rivalry
A lot of older bands are still listened to.
Chuck you seem like the m/f equivalent of snakey :loveya: :loveya:
Quote:A lot of older bands are still listened to.

It's not that they are an "older band" it's just that i dont think they were that good.
This is target practice. I save my hatred for real people.
It's still not a rivalry

We're not competing

If we were it would be no contest
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