It is now official that Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash and Scott Hall have officially signed on with the World Wrestling Federation.
Vince McMahon held a meeting today and told producers that while he appreciated their input, he was bringing the big 3 into the WWF, and the morale after the anonuncement was said to be very low, especially since many key people are agianst the move. Many considered it a slap in the face but the front office staff realized that Vince McMahon is the boss and it's his decision.
At this time specific details regarding contracts and plans about debut angles and dates are unknown, but no doubt more information will follow.
and this couldn't go in my thread because?...

because gonzo likes to see his name on the front page of the forum.duh
fbdlingfrg Wrote:because gonzo likes to see his name on the front page of the forum.duh
good point, carry on
and i like to see my name on the front page period.
Faceman Wrote:and this couldn't go in my thread because?...
You actually started a thread? I coulda sworn it was a figment of my imagination, like your love for me.
GonzoStyle Wrote:Quote:and this couldn't go in my thread because?...
You actually started a thread? I coulda sworn it was a figment of my imagination, like your love for me.
You wish, BITCH
Quote:You wish, BITCH
Wait a minute, that was your big come back? Shit I hope you didn't try to hard on that one.
Now, if this proves to be true, are they going the NWO route right out of the gate?
Sean Cold Wrote:Quote:You wish, BITCH
Wait a minute, that was your big come back? Shit I hope you didn't try to hard on that one.
Now, if this proves to be true, are they going the NWO route right out of the gate?
Nah not really, just a little pet name I have for Gonzo. You know, pillow talk
Well with the signings the WWF has changed gears as far as previous plans. The first being the roster split and the return of the Alliance wrestlers. Here is the latest news on how the signings have affected and may affect the WWF in the future.
Quote:- The WWF split was originally supposed to take place on January 7, but was pushed back to January 21 so the WWF could concentrate and hype Triple H's return. The word now is that this date will be further pushed back past Wrestlemania because of the signings of Nash, Hall and Hogan.
- All the Alliance wrestlers who were told that they would be needed after the Royal Rumble and have now been informed that their returns will be delayed.
- A lot of wrestlers are speculating and believing that Shawn Michaels will be brought back in some capacity, probably alongside Nash and Hall in some time of Clique reunion. Michaels would also wrestle at that time if his back is good enough.
I would assume they would go with a "clique" right off the bat, I dunno if they go with the nWo per se. I would think they'd stray away from the nWo and go for a more DX type clique like in the mid 90's, but who knows how Hogan fits in?
Here's another tid bit of info I found.
Quote:- Scott Hall and Kevin Nash appear to have signed contracts with the WWF worth about $600,000 - $700,000 per year. The deals are incentive based with the figures above being downside guarantees and the duo has a chance to make a lot more if they work enough dates.
- Hulk Hogan's contract is supposedly worth between $1 million - $1.2 million per year. His contract is also a downside which means he can make more potentially.
- The planned Wrestlemania main event was Triple H vs. Chris Jericho, however that may be changed to Steve Austin vs. Triple H with the Rock vs. Hulk Hogan as a co-main event.
- Shawn Michaels is once again on speaking terms with WWF management.
Once again with HBK I'll believe it when I see it, this has been teased coming in on 4 years now. As far as a fued between Hogan and The Rock I don't know if they'd have a great fued cause both have great Mic skills but their styles are completely opposite. Hogan is someone who would be better off fueding with Austin or Better yet HHH. Hall and Nash on the other hand really have no Tag Team hopes cause the WWF hasn't had a good tag team with mic skills since the NAO. I'd hope they try the tag thing for a while but then go into singles. But they just acquired 3 main eventers and maybe a 4th.
Quote:Rock vs. Hulk Hogan
Oh boy, oh boy!!! There's an exciting match, I don't think I can contain myself!!! :bouncer:
Just imagine all the great punches, closelines and kicks!!! The People's Elbow vs. the Almighty Leg drop finisher...Such great technical wrestling :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Spitfire Wrote:Quote:Rock vs. Hulk Hogan
Oh boy, oh boy!!! There's an exciting match, I don't think I can contain myself!!! :bouncer:
Just imagine all the great punches, closelines and kicks!!! The People's Elbow vs. the Almighty Leg drop finisher...Such great technical wrestling :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Yeah like you won't be creaming your pants during the match. It's gonna look like a meltdown at carvels vanilla factory in your panties during that match.
well, i guess i am glad that hall n nash are back, because they always were good for a few laughs. i do have a problem with hogan coming back, and hope he keeps his ass in line. but at least i feel safe in the fact that if they fuck up, they are gone, the same way as buff and kronik...
it will be beneficial to the WWF and their popularity if they indeed sign these guys. Recognizable "icons" are always good to have, as long as they play by the rules, like Flair is now. If they do it right (which is bring them in at No Way Out), it should be good.